Feature Statistics,... FALSE LIES!!!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by zxys, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. zxys

    zxys Guest

    I want to say this as nicely and as clearly as I can...
    Feature Statistic values MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
    The TRUE MEANINGFUL VALUE is the TOTAL time , that is, when the user
    has FULL access to the data!

    Otherwise, Feature Statistics are POINTLESS!

    Let's have REAL values, NOT FALSE DATA!!

    Opening (total time it takes to open and have FULL access to the
    Ctrl-Q (total time it takes from ctrl-q to FULL access to the data)
    Saving (Total time it takes to save and have FULL access to the data.

    zxys, Sep 2, 2007
  2. Paul, I hear what you are saying.

    I have recently been VERY peeved by feature stats on a part I was
    working on - though not by feature stats as much as by SWx as a whole.

    I was getting a total rebuild time reported by feature stats of a
    second or two, but I was seeing a real 10+ second lag after a Ctrl+Q
    or rollback/forward before I could work on it.

    I won't discount the possibility that feature stats is fundementally
    broken, like, for instance, undercut detection is broken. On undercut
    detection, I can't fathom how when I 'mirror all' of a symetrical part
    (mirror body now, but you were around when it was 'mirror all' so I
    say it that way so you know I am not mirroring features but the whole
    darn thing) I will get occluded undercuts on one half that are not on
    the other half. That ain't possible. It will also show occlusions on
    fillets where there are none, while othrs are missed. BUT... I still
    run it because it at least catches some questionable stuff and I have
    a chance to analyze and accept/reject on my own.

    And here is where I get into a gray area on feature stats - it doesn't
    tell me how long I can expect a part to churn before I can work on it,
    but it does give me feedback on the relative weight of the features
    that I use and if one is a standout (really long) I try to do it
    another way to save some rebuild time.

    Now the only question is if I can trust it? Is it like occlusion
    'undercut detection' which is clearly and unambiguously not working -
    for years - and giving erroneous results?

    Or is feature stats giving the true rebuild time of features but not
    counting all the other processes required before we can get back to
    work (redoing the visual display, for instance) I am thinking it
    might be the latter, based on editing features. I can edit a feature
    at the BOTTOM of the tree that 'stats' tells me has a rebuild time of
    a second or two, but it can take 30 seconds on some parts after
    editing that feature before I can get back to work. I think there is
    some other stuff going on.

    Maybe feature stats could also tell us this overhead number (circa SWx
    Edward T Eaton, Sep 2, 2007
  3. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Yeah, the people behind this request had very good intentions and I
    appreciate its use or at helping find problem areas or what features
    take longer to resolve.

    It does concern me to see others using it as a literal measure of
    performance and/or comparison.
    As it is now, it clouds the very real issue of overall performance (it
    SW2006, SW2007 and now SW2008 have each progressively performed
    slower, OVERALL,.. so, seeing Feature Statistics misinformation used
    as a comparison is very concerning!

    I only hope Users, VAR's and SW Corp do NOT (or stop) use it as a
    tool for overall performance comparison.

    So, yeah, as a upgrade to this tool is needed!
    We need to request TOTAL OVERALL performance values (when the user has
    FULL access to the data) so we ALL can make accurate comparisons.

    zxys, Sep 2, 2007
  4. zxys

    TOP Guest


    I have noticed this on my STAR benchmark. It runs and there is always
    a lag before it displays the message box. I just put in a timer just
    before the message box and it added about a second regardless of the
    number of iterations.That was save time. By a stop watch, the time was
    about 20% longer yet. I do know there are issues timing things on
    Windows especially with multiprocessing. In my NENastran they give
    wall clock time and CPU time. Often the CPU time can be greater than
    the wall clock time. This is because it counts all the CPU time taken
    to process the job. Now SW is not multi-threaded for the most part but
    there should still be a wallclock versus CPU number.

    The other day I was perusing MSoft's abilities for calculating time.
    It is not very straightforward and it can even be screwed up like it
    is sometimes on the SPECapc benchmark. It seems with dual processors
    when they get out of sync they can cause false readings. So just how
    SW times their processes could be subject to MSoft's whims.

    Since SW is now multithreaded on some things it should be reporting
    WallClock and CPU time to show the effect of dual processors. My guess
    is that they are reporting some internal time such as used to be in
    the log files and not adding time to update display lists, etc.

    TOP, Sep 3, 2007
  5. zxys

    Anna Wood Guest

    I am very aware that Feature Statistics is not telling me when I can
    work on the model again. That has been obvious for quite a long time
    (at least as long as I have ever worked with SolidWorks). But it does
    give a good idea of the processor time involved when rebuilding a
    model. The better CPU's process the features quicker and return the
    model back to your control quicker. At least that it what I have seen
    on the range of computers that I have tested.

    Use it for what's its worth. Feature Statistics are a good way to see
    where your modeling issues are and it does give a very good measure of
    CPU performance, in my opinion. I use it along with the other
    benchmarks that are out there to give me an idea of overall system


    Anna Wood, Sep 3, 2007
  6. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Thanks for stating this, Anna.
    Exactly, it's not telling the user when they can work on the model,
    it's a tool which only gives the user a idea of feature process time.

    zxys, Sep 3, 2007
  7. zxys

    zxys Guest

    I'll add....
    Actually, this has been progressive and it became painfully obvious
    with SW2007 and now SW2008

    Yes, it's all relative. And, if you go back to a earlier version and
    test, the earlier versions are even FASTER, it's amazing how that

    zxys, Sep 4, 2007
  8. ..I hear where you're coming from, Paul, but I have to ask. What's a True
    Lie? Is a True Lie better than a False Lie? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 4, 2007
  9. zxys

    Swizzle Guest


    There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

    I think false lies are somewhere between damn lies and statistics whereas
    true lies are between lies and damn lies.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    Swizzle, Sep 4, 2007
  10. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Ok, I admit, I'm fuzzy on this myself,.. I think it falls between
    100BC and 100AD?

    ... ;^0
    zxys, Sep 5, 2007
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