Feature name property

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Diego, May 8, 2007.

  1. Diego

    Diego Guest

    I normally name features, mostly for future change reference, such as
    "mounting hole" or "paint drain hole." I'd like to link a drawing note
    property to the feature name, so when I add the note to the drawing
    and connect the note leader to the feature, the name shows in the
    note. This note could go into the design library and then just drag
    and drop on a feature. You can see the feature name when hovering over
    the feature, I just can't get to the property that does this.

    So far I've had no luck with this. Would any of you have a method or
    quick work around?

    thanks for any suggestions, Diego
    Diego, May 8, 2007
  2. Diego

    fcsuper Guest

    This may be difficult. For example, how would you handle a single
    dimension represents how two features relate to each other?

    fcsuper, May 8, 2007
  3. Diego

    TOP Guest

    Actually quite an ingenious suggestion. We'll have to ponder it a bit.
    This probably isn't simple though.

    TOP, May 9, 2007
  4. Diego

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I think you're going to need a macro to insert the feature's name into the
    note. What will make this tricky is that edges and faces aren't always
    owned by the feature you might expect or want. For example, when you
    double-click on a boss to get the feature dimensions of the extrude, you
    might get the angle of a draft feature that was applied later.
    Dale Dunn, May 9, 2007
  5. Diego

    Diego Guest

    Matt, I'm only using this for a note, although once the note is there
    it would be easy to add a dimension if appropriate. I usually keep my
    notes and dimensions separate.

    Top and Dale, SW knows the feature pointed to, you can see the pop-up
    when hovering. I'm hoping when I click to place the note it picks the
    feature that's shown. Dale, SW is certainly picky about the edges
    though. For example, on a flat pattern a feature cut from the side
    that's up shows the feature name; if you flip the layout it doesn't
    recognize it and just says flat-pattern.

    This is a tricky one. I thought of writing a macro for this and if it
    works I'll post it. However these types of macros, at least with my
    sloppy style of creating them, are sometimes hit or miss for working
    correctly. If it works, great, and the note probably won't change
    automatically with an edit to the part. If I can call the feature name
    using a SW property, it should update automatically.

    Thanks for the feedback. Diego
    Diego, May 9, 2007
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