fancy chamfer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mtattar1, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. mtattar1

    mtattar1 Guest


    I'm trying to create a variable-sized chamfer around a horseshoe-shaped
    part. The chamfer size is a function of where along the edge you are.
    I've tried a few things but nothing simple. The to-be-chamfered edge
    currently consists of several distinct edges. Lofts and sweeps seems
    to be the answer but can't get anything to work.

    Any ideas from the experts?

    Thanks in advance
    mtattar1, Jan 17, 2006
  2. mtattar1

    parel Guest

    Create a cutting surface knit from smaller surfaces and sweeps that are
    created with construction planes created at the ends of those distinct
    Insert>Cut>with surface
    Variable Radius Fillet the edge. Create a surface loft between the
    edges of the fillet and then Insert>Face>Replace Face
    parel, Jan 17, 2006
  3. mtattar1

    ken.maren Guest

    The other thing that has worked for me in the past is to use to split
    lines where you want the edges of your chamfer and delete the face in
    between. Then use the fill surface to create the chamfer. If you want
    that chamfered surface to be flat, simply choose contact as your edge
    option. If you would like the chamfered face to have some dome to it
    you can easily add contol sketches to select in the fill surface
    command. Send me the part if you would like me to take a run at it.
    Include a image of exactly what you want.

    ken.maren, Jan 17, 2006
  4. mtattar1

    matt Guest

    The easiest thing to do is to use a variable radius fillet to create the
    edges of the chamfer, then use Delete Face to get rid of the face of the
    fillet, then create composite curves on the two edges and loft between
    them, then trim the ends. It works like the split lines, but takes less
    matt, Jan 17, 2006
  5. mtattar1

    mtattar1 Guest

    Thanks! The VarFillet then loft procedure worked great!

    mtattar1, Jan 18, 2006
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