Familytable and Session ID:s

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by theswede78, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. theswede78

    theswede78 Guest

    Hello everybodey!

    I have som problems with a familytable I have made. I have an assembly
    containing och number of parts and one subassembly wich I´m driving
    the length of from the familytable. The subassembly also contains a
    part wich the length is driven from the top assembly. My problem is
    that the relations in the top assembly don´t work like i want them to.

    The relations is written like this:


    The L2:3=L3 relation is the one wich links to the subassembly

    My problem is that some of the session id:s in the relations text field
    is changing from time to time when im opening the part. This is causing
    the familytable not working properly.

    If somone have had this problem or knows whats causing this problem.
    Please let me know.
    theswede78, Feb 2, 2006
  2. theswede78

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Sorry, can't offer much help based on the given data.

    Session ID's do change. They will normally maintain their associative links if
    everything that needs to be load is loaded (?).

    Occasionally (probably because of "less than ideal" dependancy chains) it is
    necessary to regen more than once to get everything in synch. May require a
    work around to force, edit def a default datum, OK works or use Model Player.

    Any circular refs being reported?

    You have a family table assembly, one part in that assembly is driven be an
    upper level assembly parameter? Maybe you just need to re-think driving
    technique, create a more straight forward dependancy chain?

    I have trouble trying to conceptualize such things (well, most things actually)
    without a good explanation of specific intent and a data set to play with while
    trying to understand the logic. If you can't get it sorted out you might
    consider posting, with a simplified representative data set, to a forum that
    allows it.
    Jeff Howard, Feb 2, 2006
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