Fairly new

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joseph, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. Joseph

    Bo Guest

    Joseph, also check out Matt Lombard's site for tips:


    Bo, Aug 20, 2007
  2. Joseph

    Joseph Guest

    Thanks, I have it!

    Joseph, Aug 20, 2007
  3. Joseph

    jon_banquer Guest

    Thanks, I have it!

    Your welcome, Joesph. The SolidWorks Bible is not an easy read but it
    contains the information you need to solve this problem. It's well
    worth the struggle. Making the time to really understand what is in
    the SolidWorks Bible will separate you from most SolidWorks users who
    have no clue what proper modeling is all about.
    jon_banquer, Aug 20, 2007
  4. Joseph

    brewertr Guest

    "that's why I don't post in the SolidWorks newsgroup any longer." -
    Jon Banquer - Aug 2, 2001

    "I'd hate to be using SolidWorks" -Jon Banquer - Jan 15, 2005

    Is it any wonder SaladWorks is now such a POS... and it's only gonna
    get worse. . - Jon Banquer - May 20, 2005

    "my copy of SolidWorks 2007 Bible showed up today." - Jon Banquer -
    May 31, 2007

    "I definitely feel I'm getting my $600 bucks worth from the
    SolidProfessor videos I just purchased." - Jon Banquer - June 28, 2007

    "It takes a lot of effort to really understand SolidWorks." - Jon
    Banquer - Aug 8, 2007
    brewertr, Aug 20, 2007
  5. Joseph

    Ed Guest


    The good news is that I and a lot of folks have made a lot of models
    with SW and it has generally worked very nicely. You just need to
    find out what is causing you the problems. I have had a number of
    projects with an average of 200 to 300 parts with very little
    problems. I have had some issues as the assemblies start to get
    bigger then this, but most issues have been easily fixed by moving
    parts into sub-assemblies.

    Ed, Aug 20, 2007
  6. Joseph

    Joseph Guest

    Thanks, it appears to be something to do with external references, and using
    call-back parts. i.e. parts used on other assemblies or in other directories.

    I have set it up now with "NO" external references and have broken all external references
    in current project. This seems to have stabilized it considerably.

    Is there a way that I can use call-backs without having to copy them into my working

    Thanks, Joseph
    Joseph, Aug 20, 2007
  7. Joseph

    Joseph Guest

    Thanks Bo!

    Joseph, Aug 20, 2007

  8. Probably the number one rule to follow in SolidWorks is not to have parts or
    assemblies with the same name living in different folders. The way that SW
    finds files when they aren't in the directory you open their parent from is
    not at all straightforward and can very easily get you into trouble.

    It isn't a problem to have your "call-back" parts, so long as they stay in
    the directories where you originally found them. If you found them on a
    network directory, you might want to put a copy in a directory on your local
    machine, assuming that you aren't too worried about them getting out of
    date. If you do that, you need to make sure that your assemblies are
    pointing to the local copy. An easy way to be sure of that is to have the
    assemblies open when you save the part or subassembly to the new location
    from SW. If you can't do that, because there are too many large assemblies
    to have open on your machine at once, then it gets trickier.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 20, 2007
  9. This is not a good idea. It is very easy to get into trouble when you have
    this checked. SolidWorks seems to have trouble working out the references
    when they can come from mutliple places.
    Having "Search file locations for external references" checked and no
    location listed under "Referenced documents" should be pointless, but other
    people say that they have problems when they run that way.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 20, 2007
  10. Joseph

    Diego Guest

    You may want to search this group for "best practices" and read thru
    many of the previous recommendations.

    I normally design the first part in an assembly so that it references
    the assembly planes. Then plan the other parts so they mate with
    things which either don't change like planes and base features, or
    things that reliably change, such as fully defined sketch geometry.

    When using imported cad models or native SW models from other sources
    think about redefining your mate options. You are not stuck with what
    comes out of the can.

    Just because you can do something doesn't mean that's the most stable
    way to do it. With some experience and taking the time to learn those
    best practices SW is very stable.

    regards, Diego
    Diego, Aug 20, 2007
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