faint MEDIT text.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gruhn, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. gruhn

    gruhn Guest

    Drawing looks well enough. Type in MEDIT. Click on some text. Editor opens
    up. Text is displayed in it. Intensity varies across letters. Line width is
    single pixel. It's _like_ it's antialiased but then masked against single
    pixel text. Or some other explanation. I can _work_ with it, but I'd rather
    go blind next year, not this. Is there a "make visible" button? Any more
    info y' need? AutoCAD 2002.
    gruhn, Aug 23, 2004
  2. gruhn

    gruhn Guest

    Sorry, DDEDIT. So ingrained I don't actually know what I'm doing. Typeface
    is ROMANS. Note that help says that it supplies a Truetype equivalent to
    Windows for use in the multi-line edit. I tried turning off antialiasing at
    the system level but couldn't find it and eventually had to start looking
    like I was getting work done (and it doesn't REALLY look like anti-aliasing.
    gruhn, Aug 23, 2004
  3. gruhn

    kenspicerjr Guest

    It seems to me I remember something about turning off "smooth edges" in the
    properties dialog for the desktop; look at the effects tab?

    Kind regards,
    Ken Spicer
    kenspicerjr, Aug 24, 2004
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