"Failed to update the system registry. Please try using REGEDIT"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Larry Berman, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. Larry Berman

    Larry Berman Guest

    Everytime I startup Solidworks I get at least 3 pop-up warnings:
    "Failed to update the system registry. Please try using REGEDIT"
    and then SolidWorks starts as it should? Any ideas? Thanks.
    Larry Berman, Jan 18, 2006
  2. Larry Berman

    Ben Eadie Guest

    IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!
    I feel your pain Larry.
    Let me know if you come up with a solution.

    Ben Eadie, Jan 18, 2006
  3. Larry Berman

    Ben Eadie Guest

    For me that is not the problem, thanks though, and sorry for hijacking
    this thread Larry, I am really curious on how to deal with this

    Ben Eadie, Jan 18, 2006
  4. Larry Berman

    Larry Berman Guest


    I checked out the administrator issue and it's not a problem since I am
    the in the administrator and power user groups - it's my computer. I've
    been trying to resolve this for a while and I am aware others have the
    same problem. Thanks.
    Larry Berman, Jan 18, 2006
  5. Could this be a virus?

    I've had really good luck using Ad Aware and Spybot.

    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Jan 19, 2006
  6. Larry Berman

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    Here is the fix for this.

    o Error “Failed to update the system registry. Please try using
     This error is typically generated by certain registry keys being
    set to the incorrect permissions level. Go into the registry and find
    the following registry entries:


    Right click on these items and select permissions. Change the
    permissions for these keys from Special to Full Control and Read for
    both System and the currently logged-on user.
    SWX-VAR-JP, Jan 19, 2006
  7. Larry Berman

    CS Guest

    I concur fixed the same problem the same route.
    CS, Jan 19, 2006
  8. Larry Berman

    Larry Berman Guest

    Beautiful! Thanks for the info.

    Larry Berman, Jan 19, 2006
  9. Ok, so that fixed the issue. But what caused the problem in the first
    place? Why was the registry change necessary? The OP said he had admin
    privileges so what caused his install to go awry?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 19, 2006
  10. Larry Berman

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    When you try to run SolidWorks 2006, you may receive the following
    error message:
    SolidWorks 2006

    Failed to update the system registry.
    Please try using REGEDIT.
    This issue can occur if the following registry keys do not grant the
    Set Value permission to the current user:

    The SolidWorks Service Pack program attempts to write to these registry
    keys when it starts and generates an error message if it is unable to
    do so. These registry keys are not generally "writeable" in a secured
    To resolve this issue, grant all users the "Set Value" permission:

    WARNING: Granting all users the "Set Value" permission on a shared
    registry key may not be permitted by your system administrator, and/or
    your local security policies. Because of this, please use caution when
    you use the following procedure.
    1. Log on to your computer as an administrator.
    2. Use Regedt32.exe to view the following registry keys:

    Grant all users (everyone) the "Set Value" permission on each of these
    shared registry keys.
    Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft
    products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
    SWX-VAR-JP, Jan 19, 2006
  11. Larry Berman

    Ben Guest

    Well I have done this and now I have 2 less buttons to push to get into
    SW, so it worksed partly. Now I have triple checked the values and all
    is as it says to do above, but one popup remains. any clue on what key
    I need to change???

    Thanks for the tips though!

    Ben, Jan 21, 2006
  12. Larry Berman

    Ben Guest

    Never mind I found it I was changing the SldAIPart.Document.... Careful
    there are a few keys that can be misread by skimmers like me....


    But now I am free of the popups THANK YOU ALL
    Ben, Jan 21, 2006
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