F-Key Toggles

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kustomizer, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    Does anyone know how to return the F-Key toggles to the AutoCAD defaults after they are redefined in a custom menu?

    Our office menus redefine the F-Keys to function as shortcuts for osnaps but I want to redefine them in my personal menu to the AutoCAD defaults.

    Any ideas?
    kustomizer, Jan 14, 2005
  2. Hi,

    One way would be to reload the ACAD.MNU file with menuload.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 14, 2005
  3. kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    The problem with reloading the Acad menu file is that I still have to load the office menu after the acad menu is reloaded with then redefines the toggles. You were right in that reloading the acad menu would restore the toggles that is until the office menu is loaded then, back to the drawing board.
    kustomizer, Jan 14, 2005
  4. kustomizer

    RichardG Guest

    How bout cutting the Accelarator sections out of each menu, give them each a
    menugroup name and load them as menus to suit the need

    after they are redefined in a custom menu?
    but I want to redefine them in my personal menu to the AutoCAD defaults.
    RichardG, Jan 14, 2005
  5. Create 2 separate F-Keys menus with only the Accelerator section. Then use
    lisp programs that switch the F-Keys menus via the menuload command or
    program 2 keys (ex. Alt-O & Alt-A) to switch back and forth.
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jan 15, 2005
  6. I think the problem here is that some of the default F-key accelerators, like F3
    to toggle Osnaps, have no "macro" as such tied to them in the acad.mns file -
    they are defined inside of the acad.exe file (or somewhere else inaccessible to

    Thus, if someone monkeys around with a centralized acad.mns file's accelerator
    menu, there's no way to get those keys back to the default, because (a) the
    hapless user cannot modify the standard central acad.mns file, and (b) there's
    no way to reset the user's .mns file (which loads after acad.mns) to the
    standard F-key behaviour to override the acad.mns file.

    I've always thought this was a huge oversight by Autodesk in the menu design
    structure. One of many, actually.
    AFAIK, the implementation of Accelerator keys doesn't allow you to swap them
    around like pulldowns.


    Matt Stachoni, Jan 17, 2005
  7. "if someone monkeys around with a centralized acad.mns file's accelerator
    menu, there's no way to get those keys back to the default"
    I suggest to people to make "New" menus that can be loaded via menuload that
    overwrite "Accelerator Keys", extend toolbars, etc.
    That way you can always get back to the original acad menu Function Keys

    "AFAIK, the implementation of Accelerator keys doesn't allow you to swap
    them around like pulldowns"
    You can assign a lisp routine (C:ChangeFunctionKeys) to any
    key,alt-key,shift-key,ctrl-key,ctrl-alt-key, etc.
    The lisp routine can automatically switch the Function Keys back and forth
    by running the command to menuload different menus.
    Or you can have a 1,2,3+ keystroke lisp command to do this for you -
    example -
    (defun C:CFK ()
    ((menugroup "FunctionKey1") (command "._menuload" "FunctionKey2.mns"))
    ((menugroup "FunctionKey2") (command "._menuload" "FunctionKey1.mns"))
    (T (command "menuload" "FunctionKey1.mns"))
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jan 18, 2005
  8. kustomizer

    kustomizer Guest

    Thank you all for your suggestions. This is what I have done to resolve the issue...

    I created a separate mns file that defines the function keys that loads with the menuload command. I guess should I ever want to use the office standard F-Keys (which I don't) I can unload the mns file which will revert me back to the F-keys functioning as osnap keys.

    I could take it a little further and assign a lisp routine to toggle back and forth by loading or unloading the "accelerator" mns via lisp but for now I've got exactly what I was looking for.

    See attached file for details.
    kustomizer, Jan 31, 2005
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