Extruding Text onto a Surface

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by LouR, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. LouR

    LouR Guest

    In Wildfire 2.0

    When you go to extrude text onto any surface. in the dialog box it only
    allows for
    one line of text. is there any special set of characters i can add onto the
    end of this line to
    allow it to add a second line of text, without having to enter a new second
    text line?

    thank you all!

    LouR, Mar 30, 2005
  2. LouR

    David Janes Guest

    Save the thanks, there isn't much to be happy about when it comes to Pro/e's text
    handling, formatting capabilities: you can't even set a margin for a note or wrap
    text anywhere, since they're everywhere using a decrepit, ASCII line editor from
    the 70s which was dead dumb, even for the 70s). Needless to say, they've missed
    the last 20 years of the GUI computer revolution, on the front of text and text
    handling (a legacy of the UNIX community's shunning of that technology until
    MSGATES was chomping hard on their pure little fannies. You GO Bill, Chomp
    Harder!!). Well, Pro/e was 'plain vanilla' before it was plain or vanilla, and
    they stuck with it through 20 years of the latest computer revolution.

    Well, I mistakenly thought that the solution of your problem might lie in an
    annotation feature. Ummm, no, this is just a dressed up 'Edit>Setup>Note' which is
    non-geometry (i.e., it cannot interface with a geometry modifying process like a
    text extrusion.

    I was also wondering why the special text stuff inside of extrude: why can't you
    just create a note, for example ~ multiline, formatted the way you want, text
    style set ~ and turn this into a solid or a cut. Why all the Pro/GOOFY monkeying

    Anyway, I got as far as an Annotation Feature and creating a Note within it and
    creating Note parameter. But none of the notes appeared and the Note parameter
    would accept no value besides zero. So, I totally bombed!!!! Maybe some trick
    config option in config.pro is the key to it all, who knows.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 3, 2005
  3. LouR

    LouR Guest

    thank you David for your time and help.


    LouR, Apr 7, 2005
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