Extrude to spline...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dr. After, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. Dr. After

    Dr. After Guest

    Sorry for asking this here, but there is no place to ask help for anything
    but the vanilla 2002 crap I am using.

    I have this 3D spline that I need to use as a path for an extrusion. I know
    you can't do it in 2002, so how do I get it done. I have a saying either
    you can do it or it is impossible, and if it is impossible it will just take
    me longer and make me have to ask others for help. ;-)

    Dr. After, Feb 23, 2005
  2. convert it to a pline then extrude? DXF it to a r12 then back in.
    Kevin Lockwood, Feb 23, 2005
  3. Dr. After

    Dr. After Guest

    *Kevin Lockwood* typed them thar words:

    | convert it to a pline then extrude? DXF it to a r12 then back in.

    I tried this and get:

    Modeling Operation Error:
    Lateral curve does not intersect to_surface.
    Unable to extrude the selected object.

    Any ideas what the heck that means?
    Dr. After, Feb 23, 2005
  4. Dr. After

    jochen Guest

    jochen, Feb 28, 2005
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