Extrude - from?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ewout, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Ewout

    Ewout Guest

    I was at a workplace where they have SW2005 installed. I still have 2004
    SP04, and I noticed an annoying difference: In SW2004, if you do a
    boss-extrude and then offset from surface, the extrude starts at that
    surface. I'm talking about a doubly curved surfaces here.
    Now when I did that in SW2005, there was suddenly a tab "From", that
    wasn't there before. I assumed that I had to set that to the surface I
    was offsetting from, but that did not give the results I expected: the
    sketch had some lines in it that were supposed to mark an area that
    should nog extrude (I don't have a better way to explain this, think of
    it as a 'hole' inside the sketch). The extrude didn't do this when I
    used it in combination with "blind"! It did show holes in the preview,
    but the result was a massive extrude :eek:(
    When I used the "Offset from surface" option, it would either extrude to
    the wrong direction (inside), or fail to extrude at all! Since the
    surface was shelled, I could not extrude from the sketch and I had to
    come up with tricky solutions.

    Did anyone experience the same thing?

    Ewout, Nov 12, 2004
  2. Ewout

    P. Guest

    SW2005 has a new capability to start an extrude from a surface and end
    it on another surface. This means you can start a sketch on a separate
    flat plane or face and then have the extrude start and end on a
    non-flat surface or face.

    You only want to use the from sub-dialog in the PM if you intend to
    start your extrude from a face/plane/surface other than the one you are
    sketching on.

    The use of SW2005's PM for extrudes is not all that different from
    SW2004. Just disregard the From sub-dialog unless you intend to use it
    and fill in the normal extrude parameters just as you used to.
    P., Nov 13, 2004
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