Extraction Problem with divaEXT.rul

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by dati_remo, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. dati_remo

    dati_remo Guest

    This is the layout of the transistor that I must recognize:

    | ___________________ |
    | | _ | |
    | | ___ | | ___ | |
    | | | |__|_|__| | | |
    | | | D __|_|__ S | | |<-----nplus
    | | |___| | | |___| | |
    | | |_| ^ |<|------adlvtn
    | |_________^_____|___| |
    | |
    | active

    Where is the error in the divaEXT.rul file?


    (adlvtn = (geomOr "adlvtn"))
    (nplus = (geomOr "nplus"))
    (active = (geomOr "active"))

    (sub_1 = (geomAnd adlvtn nplus))
    (sub_SD = (geomAnd sub_1 active))
    (sub_SD_2 = (geomAnd sub_SD poly))
    (sub_SD_3 = (geomAndNot sub_SD sub_SD_2))
    (sub_1_2 = (geomAndNot sub_1 nwell))


    (extractDevice ngate
    (poly "G")
    (sub_SD_3 "S" "D")
    (sub_1_2 "B")
    "nfet ivpcell"
    dati_remo, Feb 24, 2004
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