Extraction data problem due to "Sudden dead of Simulation"

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Raymond, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Raymond

    Raymond Guest

    Dear all,
    I have a problem in extracting the simulation result. Please give me a
    Here is the situation.
    1. The simulator is Cadence IC5.0

    2. During a transient simulation, if i plot a net, the waveform will show
    the signal AND a straight line connect from the original to terminal point.
    (Please remind, the simulation still not finished)

    3. NOW, my simulation sudden dead, it is due to accident reboot of UNIX!!!

    4. The simulation cannot continue because i do not have to save all net.

    5. When i load the simulation data, the stragiht line is STILL HERE!!!!

    6. If i use printvs or ocnprint to sample the waveform, ALL data gotten is
    the stragiht line.

    Can anyone teach me how to extract the original data? or how to remove the
    staright line?

    Many thanks!!

    Best Regards,
    Raymond, Jul 16, 2004
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