Extracting Header info

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DD, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. DD

    DD Guest

    Wondering how ...and the best way to extract header information from .dwg
    files? We are working on streamlining the drawing list process, and if
    there was some way to extract this information into a text file it would be
    helpful. The files are encrypted I guess by default? Our Drawing Searcher
    program can do it, but there isn't a way to get it's information into a
    usable format for Excel.
    DD, Oct 21, 2004
  2. DD

    kendresen Guest

    If you can open the drawing there are AutoCAD variables that give the header of a drawing. Than use strcat and combine the path and the drawing name with a space between the two variables. Write that line to a .txt file. Form there you can open the txt file in excel as a space delineated file.
    kendresen, Oct 22, 2004
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