Extract the name of a GROUP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Andreas, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Andreas

    Andreas Guest

    I have some unnamed GROUPS in my drawing (eg. "*A503" as in (3 . "*A503"),
    "*A506" as in (3 . "*A506"), etc...).

    When I type LIST and click one of the groups (in this case 3D lines) I get

    LINE Layer: "ELEC-UG"
    Space: Model space
    Handle = 39F2
    Group = *A506
    from point, X=342195.6551 Y=5778676.2276 Z= 40.1756
    to point, X=342200.4757 Y=5778610.5950 Z= 40.6044
    In Current UCS, Length = 65.8094, Angle in XY Plane = 175d47'57"
    3D Length = 65.8108, Angle from XY Plane = 89d37'36"
    Delta X = 4.8206, Delta Y = -65.6326, Delta Z =

    LINE Layer: "ELEC-UG"
    Space: Model space
    Handle = 39F3
    Group = *A506
    from point, X=342200.4757 Y=5778610.5950 Z= 40.6044
    to point, X=342197.1424 Y=5778542.3223 Z= 40.5724
    In Current UCS, Length = 68.3540, Angle in XY Plane = 182d47'42"
    3D Length = 68.3540, Angle from XY Plane = 90d1'36"
    Delta X = -3.3333, Delta Y = -68.2726, Delta Z
    Andreas, Feb 2, 2005
  2. Andreas

    Doug Broad Guest

    To explode a group, you don't need to do anything but to delete the group entity.

    (entdel (cdr(assoc 330 (entget (car(entsel))))))

    You may also want to test the entity type before deleting it and add some checking.

    Doug Broad, Feb 2, 2005
  3. Andreas

    Joe Burke Guest


    Give this a try.

    ;returns a list of group names the entity is a child of,
    ;innermost first in the list - by Michael Puckett
    (defun gnames (ename / key dct rtn)
    (setq key (cons 340 ename)
    dct (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "acad_group")
    (while (setq dct (member (assoc 3 dct) dct))
    (if (member key (entget (cdadr dct)))
    (setq rtn (cons (cdar dct) rtn))
    (setq dct (cddr dct))
    (reverse rtn)
    ) ;end

    Command: (gnames (car (entsel)))
    Select object: ("*A27")

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Feb 2, 2005
  4. Andreas

    BillZ Guest

    Here's my learning effort.

    (defun c:XpldGroup (/ EnamLt GrpAll GrpLst GrpMem NamLst OkLst)
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq GrpMem (entget (car (entsel "\nPick a group member.")))          ;entity in group.
    (if (and GrpMem
    (= (cdr (assoc 102 GrpMem)) "{ACAD_REACTORS")                      ;if has reactors.
    (setq GrpLst (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda (a)(if (= (car a) 330)(cdr a))) GrpMem))
    GrpLst (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda (a)(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget a))) "GROUP") a)) GrpLst))
    GrpAll (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_GROUP")
    NamLst (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda (a)(if (= (car a) 3)(cdr a))) GrpAll))    ;group name list.
    EnamLt (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda (a)(if (= (car a) 350)(cdr a))) GrpAll))  ;entity name list.
    (princ (strcat "\n < " (itoa (length GrpLst)) " > Group(s) Found."))
    (foreach n GrpLst                                                    ;entity may belong to more than one group.
    (if (setq OkLst (member n EnamLt))
    (vla-delete (vlax-ename->vla-object (nth (- (length EnamLt)(length OkLst)) EnamLt))) ;All groups picked entity(if (wcmatch (getvar "cmdnames") "QSAVE") ....
    (princ (strcat "\n " (nth (- (length EnamLt)(length OkLst)) NamLst) " exploded."))
    )                                                                   ;progn
    (princ "\nNo groups found.")
    )                                                                     ;end if
    (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
    BillZ, Feb 2, 2005
  5. Andreas

    Andreas Guest

    Thanks guys for all your efforts.

    All your examples have been useful and have now solved my problems.


    Andreas, Feb 2, 2005
  6. Here's a variant I just penned that uses only Visual
    LISP thus in theory should work with ObjectDBX docs,
    though not tested.

    Note that you have to provide an object, not an ename
    and a valid document. While you could query the object
    for its document via (vla-get-document object) it would
    impose a performance penalty if executing the function
    against a suite of objects. In that same avenue of thought
    you could combine the two functions per GroupNames2 but
    I believe better performance will be realized by discrete
    functions. I'd test and bench this stuff but I don't have
    time right now (apologies).

    ;;  (IsMemberOfCollection object collection)
    ;;  typical result: t or nil
    ;;  © 2005 Michael Puckett
    (defun IsMemberOfCollection ( object collection / isMember )
    '(lambda ()
    (vlax-for item collection
    (   (equal object item)
    (setq isMember t)
    ;;  (GroupNames object document)
    ;;  typical result: ("*A1" "*A2" "*A3" ...) or nil
    ;;  © 2005 Michael Puckett
    ;;  Note: relies on IsMemberOFCollection function
    (defun GroupNames ( object document / names )
    (vlax-for group (vlax-get-property document 'Groups)
    (if (IsMemberOFCollection object group)
    (setq names
    (vlax-get-property group 'name)
    (reverse names)
    ;;  (GroupNames2 object document)
    ;;  typical result: ("*A1" "*A2" "*A3" ...) or nil.
    ;;  © 2005 Michael Puckett
    ;;  Note: Stand alone variant for demonstration purposes
    (defun GroupNames2 ( object document / result )
    (vlax-for group (vlax-get-property document 'Groups)
    (   (lambda ( / isMember )
    '(lambda ()
    (vlax-for item group
    (   (equal object item)
    (setq isMember t)
    (setq result
    (vlax-get-property group 'Name)
    (reverse result)
    Michael Puckett, Feb 2, 2005
  7. Three things based on a very quick test --

    (1) I found there was no appreciable performance gain
    going with separate functions.

    (2) As theorized works with ObjectDBX.

    (3) Using lambda performs better (it should) than a
    vanilla quoted list (see GroupNames3) by approx

    So, self reliant version it is ...

    ;;  (GroupNames object document)
    ;;  typical result: ("*A1" "*A2" "*A3" ...) or nil.
    ;;  © 2005 Michael Puckett
    (defun GroupNames ( object document / names )
    (vlax-for group (vlax-get-property document 'Groups)
    (   (lambda ( / isMember )
    '(lambda ()
    (vlax-for item group
    (if (equal object item)
    (setq isMember t)
    (setq names
    (vlax-get-property group 'Name)
    (reverse names)
    ;;  (GroupNames3 object document)
    ;;  typical result: ("*A1" "*A2" "*A3" ...) or nil.
    ;;  © 2005 Michael Puckett
    ;;  Note: Variant for demonstration purposes only
    (defun GroupNames3 ( object document / result )
    (vlax-for group (vlax-get-property document 'Groups)
    (  '(   ( / isMember )
    '(lambda ()
    (vlax-for item group
    (if (equal object item)
    (setq isMember t)
    (setq result
    (vlax-get-property group 'Name)
    (reverse result)
    Michael Puckett, Feb 3, 2005
  8. Andreas

    Doug Broad Guest

    Thanks for the demos Michael.

    "Michael Puckett" <> wrote in message news:42026f64_2@newsprd01...
    Doug Broad, Feb 3, 2005
  9. You're welcome Doug (and thank you).
    Michael Puckett, Feb 3, 2005
  10. You might find this a bit faster than the
    approach Michael takes. That's mainly because
    its speed is not proportional to the number of

    Since groups are persistent reactors on their
    member entities, the entity data list of each
    entity holds the entity names of all groups it
    is a member of, so there is really no need to
    search each group for the entity.

    In a drawing with a very large number of
    groups (or a few groups with many members,
    take your pick), the manual search approach
    can take significantly longer than this (which
    itself is based on an ObjectARX/ C++ solution
    that I've been using for quite some time).

    (defun getgroups (object / data res obj)
    (setq data
    (member '(102 . "{ACAD_REACTORS")
    (entget (vlax-vla-object->ename object))
    (while (and (setq data (cdr data))
    (not (equal (car data) '(102 . "}")))

    (if (eq (caar data) 330)
    '(lambda ()
    (setq obj
    (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdar data))
    (if (eq (vla-get-ObjectName obj) "AcDbGroup")
    (setq res (cons (vla-get-Name obj) res))
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 3, 2005
  11. Hi Tony. Interesting information. Thanks for the post.

    Before I penned the activex version I had written this,
    thought you might find it interesting --

    (defun GroupNames ( ename )
    (vl-remove-if 'null
    '(lambda ( pair / ename data )
    (eq 330 (car pair))
    (setq data (entget (setq ename (cdr pair))))
    (eq "GROUP" (cdr (assoc 0 data)))
    (vlax-ename->vla-object ename)
    (entget ename)
    I'm guessig it will out perform yours by a factor of 2:1 in my favor.

    Michael Puckett, Feb 3, 2005
  12. This should perform better yet :)

    (defun GroupNames ( ename / data names )
    (foreach pair
    (assoc 330
    (setq data
    (reverse (entget ename))
    (if (eq 330 (car pair))
    (if (eq "GROUP"
    (setq data
    (setq ename (cdr pair))
    (vlax-ename->vla-object ename)
    Michael Puckett, Feb 3, 2005
  13. Michael - My guess is that you weren't 'guessing' about
    the speed.

    Shame you didn't use a realistic test case in your 'guessing'
    (for example, a topo plan with hundreds of LWPOLYLINES,
    each with hundreds of vertices; or MTEXT with hundreds of
    lines of text, and so on).

    If you had, you'd have seen quite a different result (exactly
    the opposite of what you 'guessed' :).

    I noticed that you made a few posts that were mainly
    focused on performance issues of that code you posted.

    Out of curiosity, given your apparent obsession with
    performance, why post the slowest possible solution,
    rather than the one you claim to have written before it?

    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 3, 2005
  14. I'll guess it doesn't perform any better, based on
    nothing but looking at it, and specifically, the use
    of (reverse) on a (how long?) entity data list.

    FWIW: Here's what you get with a 250 vertex

    Command: polygon
    Enter number of sides <1000>: 250

    Specify center of polygon or [Edge]:
    Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] <I>:

    Specify radius of circle:
    Command: (setq e (entlast) o (vlax-ename->vla-object e))
    #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLWPolyline 05d518c4>

    Command: (time '(repeat 1000 (getgroups o)))

    Command: (time '(repeat 1000 (groupnames e)))

    While these kind exchanges used to be interesting,
    these days, they've become rather old and boring.
    Perhaps that's because I view any kind of obsession
    with performance of code written in one of the slowest
    languages around, to be rather silly, not to mention
    a bit oxymoronic.

    So, please excuse any perceived lack of enthusiasm on
    my part ;-)
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 3, 2005
  15. You are correct, the last one I penned is slower by about

    But the one I wrote years ago, namely

    (defun gnames ( ent / key dct rtn )
    key (cons 340 ent)
    dct (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "acad_group")
    (while (setq dct (member (assoc 3 dct) dct))
    (if (member key (entget (cdadr dct)))
    (setq rtn (cons (cdar dct) rtn))
    (setq dct (cddr dct))
    (reverse rtn)
    Beats your latest by a very wide margin (like 4 times
    faster), particulary when benching with mega vertex

    Incidentally, the only reason I had posted the activex
    variant is that I wanted to try something new, and in
    particular something that I felt comfortable using with
    ObjectDBX. While you can use entget with ObjectDBX (don't
    try entmods though!) I wanted a pure activex version. I
    know you find this all rather droll but if you sincerely
    want to contribute to the dicussion I invite you to pen
    a purely activex version (only vla/vlax calls).


    Michael Puckett, Feb 3, 2005
  16. As I mentioned earlier, the speed of code that searches
    groups for an entity is proportional to the number of
    groups and members.

    So, what I find odd about your claim, is that it
    would have to be based on extensive testing that
    involved a drawing with many groups (or the average
    for your working environment), and numerous searches
    for different entities chosen at random, as that is the
    only way to simulate a realistic usage scenario.

    So, what is your claim based on? Do you have an
    average number of groups/drawing, and an average
    number of members/group? What are they? Is the
    entity you're looking for always the first entity in the
    first group searched, or the last entity in the last
    group searched, or is it somewhere 'in the middle' ?

    If what you're attempting to say here, is that your
    code that searches groups for a member, is faster
    in a drawing with 3 groups, each having half-a-dozen
    entities, I wouldn't consider that a legitmate claim.
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 4, 2005
  17. Andreas

    Doug Broad Guest

    Thanks Tony. Will study it.
    Doug Broad, Feb 4, 2005
  18. You make very good points Tony. As such, I revisited my
    various variants and compared their performances with a
    typical piping model with approx 4000 groups.

    A modified version of one of my earlier efforts yields
    results I'm very happy with (works w/ObjectDBX too if you
    convert the ename to a vla-object before the call):

    (defun GroupNames ( ename / data names )
    (foreach pair
    '(lambda (pair) (eq 330 (car pair)))
    (assoc 330 (setq data (reverse (entget ename))))
    (if (member
    '(0 . "GROUP")
    (entget (setq ename (cdr pair)))
    (setq names
    (vlax-ename->vla-object ename)
    Thank you Tony, I appreciate your contribution(s) to this
    Michael Puckett, Feb 4, 2005
  19. I'm even happier with this variant:

    (defun GroupNames ( ename )
    (   (lambda ( data / pair ename names )
    (while (setq pair (assoc 330 data))
    (if (member
    '(0 . "GROUP")
    (entget (setq ename (cdr pair)))
    (setq names
    (vlax-ename->vla-object ename)
    (setq data (cdr (member pair data)))
    (reverse names) ;; return in order of nesting
    (entget ename)
    Open forum challenge: Write a faster one. :)

    Michael Puckett, Feb 4, 2005
  20. Andreas

    Alaspher Guest

    Only as variant, without any claims.

    (defun ent-ungroup (ent switch / obj)
    (if (and ent
    (setq groups	(mapcar	(function (lambda (d)
    (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr (assoc -1 d)))
    (function (lambda (c) (= (cdr (assoc 0 c)) "GROUP")))
    (mapcar (function (lambda (b) (entget (cdr b))))
    (function (lambda (a) (= (car a) 330)))
    (entget ent)
    (mapcar (if	switch
    (function vla-delete)
    (function vla-get-name)
    (ent-ungroup (car (entsel)) nil) ;_ get list names of the groups (may be more then one)
    (ent-ungroup (car (entsel)) t)   ;_ delete groups
    Best regards!
    Alaspher, Feb 4, 2005
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