Extract information form object

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jorgematheus, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. jorgematheus

    jorgematheus Guest

    I'm trying to get information from this object

    ; ISWbemObjectSet: A collection of Classes or Instances
    ; Property values:
    ; Count (RO) = 2
    ; Security_ (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT ISWbemSecurity 003edf30>
    ; Methods supported:
    ; Item (2)

    I have tryied this:

    Command: (foreach item lodrives (vlax-get-property item 'SerialNumber))
    ; error: bad argument type: consp #<VLA-OBJECT ISWbemObjectSet 003eded0>

    or this:

    Command: (VLA-ITEM LODRIVES 1 "SerialNumber")
    ; error: too few actual parameters

    and this:

    Command: (vlax-invoke-method lodrives "Item" 1 )
    ; error: too few actual parameters

    Can someone help me out here??

    Thank In Advance

    Jorge Matheus
    Caracas Venezuela
    jorgematheus, Jul 5, 2004
  2. jorgematheus

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Jorge
    You can't step through a collection by 'foreach' - use vlax-for instead.
    'vla-item' has only 2 parameters: (vla-item Collection Index)

    Jürg Menzi, Jul 5, 2004
  3. Jorge,

    maybe this will work?

    (vlax-map-Collection LODRIVES
    '(lambda (o)

    petersciganek, Jul 5, 2004
  4. jorgematheus

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    AFAIK 'ISWbemObject' has no 'SerialNumber' property...

    Jürg Menzi, Jul 5, 2004
  5. jorgematheus

    jorgematheus Guest

    Thank for yours quick answers

    I'm little lost in here, can some one explain a little bit more for me?

    i'm translating a code from Visual basic and Visual fox.

    i query WIN32_PHYSICALMEDIA and got a collection, them
    with Item, i extrac SerialNumber from each item.

    i use lcSerial = loDrive.SerialNumber to extract the value in visual Basic or Visual FOX.

    In Lisp i got the colletion but i can't extract the item i have query.

    When i send (vlax-invoke-method lodrives "Item" 1)
    i got this error
    ; error: too few actual parameters

    Is there a way to do exact what VIsual Basic o r Visual FOx do using Lisp.

    Thank again
    jorgematheus, Jul 5, 2004
  6. Jorge -

    Although I am not familiar with the ISWbemObject* I assume that you can use vlax-map-collection to iterate through each item in the collection - something like this:

    (defun getSerialNumbers (LODRIVES / ret)
    (vlax-map-Collection LODRIVES
    '(lambda (ioDrive)
    (if (vlax-property-available-p ioDrive 'SerialNumber)
    (setq ret (append ret (list (vlax-get-property ioDrive 'SerialNumber))))

    Can you post the code that you use to get your LODRIVES collection?

    petersciganek, Jul 6, 2004
  7. jorgematheus

    jorgematheus Guest


    As Juerg Menzi post earlier, SerialNumber seem no to be a property of ISWbemObjectSet, dídn't know why.

    I;m posting the code

    jorgematheus, Jul 6, 2004
  8. jorgematheus

    jorgematheus Guest


    I'm Still wondered. Why can't i call the item method.
    Why i can't do this
    (vlax-invoke-method lodrives "item 1)
    ; error: too few actual parameters

    jorgematheus, Jul 7, 2004
  9. jorgematheus

    jorgematheus Guest


    For who cares, here is the solution
    ; -- PHYHAR.lsp
    ; Return Manufacture Serial Number
    ; Copyright:
    ; ©2004 Jorge E. Matheus L. , Caracas Venzuela
    ; Licence: Freeware ( Just Mention were did you get from)
    (defun c:phyhar( / ret)
    (setq serx '())
    (if (SETQ OBJW (VLAX-CREATE-OBJECT "wbemScripting.SwbemLocator"))
    (SETQ lccon (VLAX-INVOKE OBJW 'ConnectServer "." "\\root\\cimv2" "" "" "" "" 128 nil) )
    (setq lox (vlax-invoke lccon 'ExecQuery "Select SerialNumber,Tag from Win32_PhysicalMedia"))
    (vlax-for item lox (setq serx (cons (list (vlax-get item 'Tag)(vlax-get item 'SerialNumber)) serx)))
    (vlax-release-object lox)
    (vlax-release-object lccon)
    (vlax-release-object objW)
    (princ (reverse serx))
    jorgematheus, Jul 26, 2004
  10. Does anyone know how can this program be modified to get the serial number
    of the local hard drive?
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Feb 16, 2005
  11. jorgematheus

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Alan

    Visit my homepage -> Free Stuff and search for 'VxGetDriveInfos'.

    Jürg Menzi, Feb 17, 2005
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