Extract cut list from drawing programatically using API (VB)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jagbarcelo, May 9, 2006.

  1. jagbarcelo

    jagbarcelo Guest

    We are using SW2006 and need to extract the cut list of welded parts of
    a drawing the same way we do for BOMs. There are examples in the API to
    show how to do it for the BOMs themselves (i.e. 'Export BOMs to XML
    Example (VB)' in the sldworksapi.chm help file) but there is nothing
    similar for cut lists.

    Is there any way to extract the cut lists items (cells of rows and
    columns) from the table the same way we are already doing for BOMs?

    Thanks in advance and regards.
    jagbarcelo, May 9, 2006
  2. jagbarcelo

    John H Guest

    Good question, which I'd like a reply to also. It's something that's been
    at the back of my mind since we moved away from modelling fabrications as

    It's not an issue for me at present, but we are planning to integrate BOM's
    with MRP system at some point.

    John H
    John H, May 10, 2006
  3. jagbarcelo

    CS Guest

    it should be almost the same code except in the following line swTable
    will be set to your Cutlist.

    ProcessTableAnn swApp, swModel, swTable, XMLfile
    CS, May 15, 2006
  4. jagbarcelo

    Tin Man Guest

    I've never tried to intercept the information from the CutList Table,
    but I do think that in the part file you could iterate thru the feature
    tree and read/store the properties of all of the CutList Items, then do
    whatever you want with that data.

    Tin Man, May 16, 2006
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