Extra line on plots?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by EDAdrafter, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. EDAdrafter

    EDAdrafter Guest

    I am using AutoCad 2002 (ADT 3.3). I do the bulk of my plotting to a HP DesignJet 500 w/ HPGL-2 card. We send plot files out of the office for final reproduction. These plot files are created to the DJ 500. I've noticed when the final sets come back to us there is an "extra line" on the prints roughly 1.25" from the right hand side...running up and down the entire length of the sheets on every drawing I make plot files for. This line never shows up when doing a regular "plot" to the DJ 500 during design time. We recently got our old HP Design Jet 450 back from the shop...and if I send one of those plot files to it I get the extra line. The line is not on the drawings as I've turned all layers on, unthawed, etc. etc. Does anyone know if there is a setting or something I need to be looking for...or if it's something in my plotter settings....or a variable? I cannot duplicate it on any other machines in the office. The line plots out "blue" if this helps at all. Thanks
    EDAdrafter, Jan 18, 2005
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