External Screw thread

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Sven Scheik, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. Sven Scheik

    Sven Scheik Guest

    Hi everyone,
    i know this is a beginners question, but i want to extrude a cylinder
    with an externa screw thread and i have no idea how to do it.
    Could anyone help me?

    Greetz Sven
    Sven Scheik, Dec 7, 2006
  2. Sven Scheik

    Bruin Guest

    Using English dims, convert to metric as needed...

    Create the cylinder with an diameter that matches the Major Diameter of the
    thread. Click (in WF2.0) insert, helical sweep, cut, bringing up the
    helical sweep U.I. box. Select your attributes (default should be fine),
    then click the sketching plane for the Sweep Profile. The Sweep Profile is
    the path, start & finish, your cut will follow. Select a plane that cuts
    through your cylinder length. Once in sketch mode, draw your Sweep right on
    the diameter of your cylinder, from the start to the finish of your desired
    thread location, then put in a centerline & complete the sketch.

    At this point it will prompt you for the pitch of your thread, for example
    20 TPI = .05 pitch. Once you input the pitch, your automatically in the
    sketch mode to sketch your thread form. Sketch it your triangle (thread
    form) with the "top" of the thread (between the crests) the length of your
    pitch (.05 if 20 TPI), constraining it to the diameter of the cylinder at
    the start of your desired thread location. Basic thread form should be
    constrained 30 deg from the end of your cylinder, & 60 deg between the legs
    of your triangle. Locate the top of your triangle .005 from the diameter
    of the cylinder. Click done, & preview your threads.

    If they don't work, keep hacking away, chances are there is something wrong
    in your sketch, you'll get it.

    Once you have created your threads, put a "starter thread", a 45 deg
    revolved cut in, to
    cut away the start of your thread.

    Keep in mind your thread form will be .005 (or so) from the outside diameter
    of the cylinder, leaving the O.D. to be the major diameter of the thread.
    Once you have the threads working, redefine (edit definition) the feature, &
    put in a .005-.010 truncation in the bottom of your thread form. At this
    point you can locate the thread on the Pitch Diameter (or Effective Thread)
    removing the .005 constraint, & also locate that truncation on the Minor
    Diameter of the thread.

    If this model is to be used in rapid prototyping of some sort, be sure to
    locate the threads at the very lowest end of the P.D. Keep them loose is
    what I am saying & they should work.

    Good luck, this won't be easy to do without some real-time help.

    Joe S.
    Bruin, Dec 7, 2006
  3. Sven Scheik

    Sven Scheik Guest

    Thanks a lot, but isnt there an easier way of creating an external
    thread? I mean if I simply want to create a cylinder with an M12
    external thread which i can screw into a M12 Thread Hole. There got to
    be an easier way, right?
    I Mean you can creat thread holes much easier. Why not external threads
    which are in an ISO format.

    Sven Scheik, Dec 7, 2006
  4. Sven Scheik

    dgeesaman Guest

    I take it you're new to modeling fasteners in a 3D CAD system.

    While looking at the threads on a fastener doesn't give you chills
    about the complexity, modeling them in CAD is far from trivial. There
    is no automated command in Pro/E that makes screw threads accurately
    and easily, and I'm not sure if any other major CAD systems do it
    either. What Joe explained in such detail is how to make threads as
    realistically as possible - which IME is only useful with making
    threaded parts by Rapid Prototyping and for making photorealistic
    models of components where showing the threads is very important.

    In any case, realistic 3D threads are generally not desired. There is
    no need to have the exact geometry of the threads in most cases, and
    symbolic representation of the threads is usually enough. Even if it
    were easy, screw threads can easily make the performance of an assembly
    10x slower - and for no real benefit. Look into Pro/E's Cosmetic
    Thread feature - it contains the thread information you're interested
    in, it's visibly different from a solid surface (meaning that a rod
    will look different from a threaded rod), and it will show on a drawing
    with the standard hidden lines to represent the thread extents.

    dgeesaman, Dec 7, 2006
  5. Sven Scheik

    Sven Scheik Guest

    Thanks again, I'm really new in CAD modeling so any help is appreciated ;-)

    I already used the cosmetic Thread feature but i was not sure if im
    creating a thread hole with a specific diameter if i can fit my cosmetic
    thread with the same diameter in this thread hole when generating an
    assembly. Probably this question is stupid, since i can just change the
    diameter of the external thread to fit in the hole. But since im
    starting new i didnt want to model too complex or learn things which are
    already incorrect so that my later model would be incompatible to any
    assemblys or further constructions.

    Thanks again
    Sven Scheik, Dec 7, 2006
  6. Sven Scheik

    dgeesaman Guest

    Yeah, stick with the cosmetic feature. I suggest making internal
    threads with the hole diameter = inside dia of actual threads and the
    cosmetic thread diameter = root diameter of actual threads. These will
    display properly in a component drawing, too.

    Then for fasteners do the opposite - make the solid cylinder = root
    diameter of the threads and the cosmetic thread = the outside diameter
    of the threads.

    This way when you make the assembly you will not get any interferences,
    and you can see if the cosmetic thread features align properly.

    dgeesaman, Dec 7, 2006
  7. Sven Scheik

    David Janes Guest

    It's a very good, completely legitimate engineering question. I favor some
    hole size with some fastener size and no interference. While I'm saying
    this, realize that a few schemes fit this criteria. I favor the Pro/e
    approach, embodied in the hole creation table: hole size is actually tap
    drill size (not minor or root diameter of thread) while cosmetic is created
    at nominal. With no interference, the fastener would be created at tap drill
    size with cosmetic, also, at nominal... and no interference between solids.
    The advantage of this method is that the tap drill size is saved in the .hol
    files and is the foundation of the tapped hole. A constant reference which
    your fastener must fit.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 10, 2006
  8. Maybe I didn´t quite get that last one... but I´m still using 2001.

    Now, question: has ProE eventually learned _not_ to interfere threaded
    nuts´n´bolts in the mean time since 2001?

    I´m using ProE´s "cosmetic" features for threads with _real_ values,
    so drawings will be accurate enough for later drilling & milling...

    Since V12 - when I learned to know it - ProE assumes interferences here,
    which is quite annoying when looking for real ones in big assemblies.

    And no way to mark some irrelevant - would be a good idea, wouldn´t it?
    Oh, if only CAD system programmers had some basic engineering knowledge.
    I´m sure such thing does exist even outside the metric universe ;-) ...

    Walther Mathieu, Dec 11, 2006
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