External referenced issues

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George.Maddever, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. Hi all,

    I'm doing a project for a client in SW2006 (SP5.1) having some issues
    with referenced parts. I've got a bunch of parts that have "in
    context" sketch relationships referenced in higher-level assemblies.

    Now, I'm having some troubles with the relationships going "out of
    context" when I open the parts without the assembly. Despite ticking
    the "open all references" in options, whenever I open the parts in
    isolation (without the master assembly open) the configurations fall
    over and fail to update as they are "out of context". Is there any way
    you can force SolidWorks to open any referenced parts/assemblies when
    you open a part with referenced "in context" relationships? I was
    pretty sure there was but the option I thought it was doesn't seem to
    be doing it much.

    The option I've chosen is: Tools--->Options--->System Options--->Load
    Referenced Documents--->All

    The only other option I'll have, I fear, is to get the part open and
    working properly then "lock" the external references... which is less
    than desirable.

    I generally steer clear of in-context references where I can, and I
    can engineer them out.... but the client has already generated a lot
    of data using this and I'm reluctant to go through and make wholesale
    backtrack changes if I can help it.
    George.Maddever, Jun 23, 2008
  2. George.Maddever

    TOP Guest

    This is how SolidWorks operates. It is the norm.

    If you need to work on something without the assembly open then go to
    the part's FILE/EXTERNAL REFERENCES and lock all the references. Then
    you will have to remember to un-lock the external references if you
    change anything.

    The very nature of an in-context feature demands that the assembly
    which mediates changes between parts be open when references are to be

    TOP, Jun 23, 2008
  3. Thanks TOP,

    That's exactly what I've done and it seems to be working, although
    it's not ideal... thanks for the tip nonetheless :)
    George.Maddever, Jun 24, 2008
  4. George.Maddever

    TOP Guest

    I find myself forgetting that I've locked something down. I think the
    symbol for external references changes to let you know. You just have
    to be aware that you have used that technique and be on the lookout
    when making changes.

    TOP, Jun 24, 2008
  5. In the end, I decided to ditch the in-context references and just
    break all the links and define things manually.... the client is not a
    SWX guru and I weighed up the damage they could do tinkering around
    with the model with and without in-context relationshps... figured it
    was better to spend the time and "weed out" all of the links.
    George.Maddever, Jun 26, 2008
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