External copy geom

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by kenny, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. kenny

    kenny Guest

    Working on part [a] point is reached when a surface is required for use
    in part , so publish geom in [a] and external copy geom in . Now
    if further work is done in [a], say the surface is punctured or trimmed
    beyond the point it was published then this new shape appears in
    when its regenerated. Beats me how something that is published at a
    particular point knows of further work being done to it. I workaround
    this by copy surface before publishing, this locks the shape at the
    desired point. But how does the published geometry reference something
    after it was created?

    kenny, Mar 8, 2007
  2. kenny

    John Wade Guest

    No idea.
    If you don't want your referenced geometry to update, then make it
    read only.

    As it seems the surface you are using becomes reference data for
    several parts, it really should be in a skeleton, so it can be
    referenced by both parts.
    John Wade, Mar 8, 2007
  3. kenny

    David Janes Guest

    This is a puzzler. I'm trying to do as you've suggested, see if I can (in
    classic helpdesk fashion) "reproduce the error". So, in part A I create a
    publish geom of some seed/boundary surfaces (even going so far as to reorder
    a hole to see if the PG feature would update, it isn't affected by
    reordering he hole before the PG feature), then in part B, create a feature
    with 'Insert>Advanced>Copy Geom' and leave the Publish Geom icon active
    (WF3). I click in the Pub Geom collector open file box, pick my model with
    the Pub Geom feature and pick it. Original PG feature copied into part B. Go
    back to part A and add another hole, after PG feature, to see if it's
    affected. It is NOT affected in part B. Perhaps you've rolled Insert mode up
    before the PG feature, altered the original geometry and resumed/cancelled
    insert mode which could conceivably alter the PG feature? I think I can say,
    with some certainty, that later features don't alter the PG feature.
    Something else is going on!

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 8, 2007
  4. kenny

    David Janes Guest

    This is a puzzler. I'm trying to do as you've suggested, see if I can (in
    classic helpdesk fashion) "reproduce the error". So, in part A I create a
    publish geom of some seed/boundary surfaces (even going so far as to reorder
    a hole to see if the PG feature would update, it isn't affected by
    reordering he hole before the PG feature), then in part B, create a feature
    with 'Insert>Advanced>Copy Geom' and leave the Publish Geom icon active
    (WF3). I click in the Pub Geom collector open file box, pick my model with
    the Pub Geom feature and pick it. Original PG feature copied into part B. Go
    back to part A and add another hole, after PG feature, to see if it's
    affected. It is NOT affected in part B. Perhaps you've rolled Insert mode up
    before the PG feature, altered the original geometry and resumed/cancelled
    insert mode which could conceivably alter the PG feature? I think I can say,
    with some certainty, that later features don't alter the PG feature.
    Something else is going on!
    BTW, anyone know anything about INHERITANCE features? Do they fit in here somehow? What's the difference between Copy Geom, Pub Geom and Inheritance Features? Their capabilites and applications? These elude me.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 9, 2007
  5. kenny

    karel.lang Guest

    Hello anyone,
    there are some (expensive) knowledges about inheritances:
    1. Inheritance = COMPLETE PART TREE in your part INHERITED.
    2. Extremely simple for use - you can modify the features in
    inheritance similar as flexible parts in assembly. Solid geometry,
    datums, parameters and variables from all inherited features are
    dynamically and FLEXIBLE - simply click on tree of inherited part and
    New Part->Inherited casting part reference->Machining features only
    3. You can combine more different inherited part in two or more parts
    all at once in an assembly (but then you regenerate in every
    inheritance the complete referenced part).
    4. Exteremely unstable, if do you make BOTTOM->UP inherited build in
    TOP->DOWN metodology. Only modify everything in tree or parameters in
    more parents (make inherited references in more levels, every level
    has a associated value parameter, which serves for TOP->DOWN control
    of assembled inheritances).
    ATTENTION - without reported circular references (PTC mistake) in log
    and with high risk for stability.
    5. It is very hard to identify origin of inherited geometry in
    complicated higher level part - you can find INHERITANCE only,
    original feature is not reported - in Pick-List, in Find dialog and in
    Layers too only INHERITANCE FEATURE.
    6. The recommended PTC-technique is TOP->DOWN with PUBLISH GEOMETRY.
    Our test with two identical assemblies (about 40 Parts in 3 levels):
    Inheritance Bottom->Up: 2 minutes, every time with yellow warning
    PTC reccomended Publish Geometry Technique Top->Down: 20 seconds,
    green light

    General Conclusions:
    Dear PTC Cookeater,
    use easy and simple external inheritance and then
    regenerate, REGENERATE, R-E-G-E-N-E-R-A-T-E
    or build smart top->down copy geometry design.

    Difference Publish Geometry (PG) and Copy Geometry (CG) in TOP-DOWN:
    - CG is link to geometry of specific entity (not set) only - you need
    more CG's for complex geometry reference
    - PG is link to preliminary prepared (published) set of geometry - you
    don't need more CG's to make complex geometry references.
    Assembly skeleton defines the frame beams. Every beam needs only one
    skeleton reference - you work with CG only.
    For fabric cover references you need more beams - you prepare for
    cover in skeleton PG feature and then simply reference only this one -
    without CG separated in more CG features.

    P.S. Sorry for my "basic" english
    karel.lang, Mar 9, 2007
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