external and internal threads

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by EuroKing, May 30, 2006.

  1. EuroKing

    EuroKing Guest

    Does anybody know about they way to create external thread to a
    cylinder and internal threads to nut in solidworks 2003. if some body
    can send me the solid part files for external threaded cylinder and
    internal threaded nut as an example, please let me know. Cheers and
    Good time S Minhas
    EuroKing, May 30, 2006
  2. EuroKing

    Jeff Guest

    Sweep along a helix is the best solution for this geometry.

    Check out 3D content central for examples, do not have any 2003 files.

    Jeff, May 30, 2006
  3. EuroKing

    Mr. Who Guest

    As Jeff says you can use a sweep along helical path to get the
    geometry. Then maybe use a cavity feature in the assembly create
    matching geometry on nut. But performance will be pretty miserable
    because generating helical sweep cuts is tough on SW. If this is a one
    off thing then go for it, but generating threads is best left to
    cosmetic for performance reasons.
    Mr. Who, May 30, 2006
  4. I would be inclined to build the nut from scratch, rather than using the
    cavity feature. Cavity is one of the less reliable and more fussy of SW
    features. It will also give you a nut with no clearance to the external
    thread, which is not the way real internal threads are usually done.
    If you really must make a real thread, don't make it one long helix. Make a
    short helix, say one pitch, and pattern it. Saves a lot of rebuild time.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 30, 2006
  5. EuroKing

    lotec Guest

    I cannot help you with files that version 2003 would be able to read ,
    however I have created a step by step outline of the basic threading
    procedure, in the .doc format, made up of about 15 steps, that you are
    more than welcome to if you want it. It is designed to be understood by
    Newbies such as ourselves. It is for a hex head bolt, with a machine
    cut SAE thread. It follows that the basic principles included in this
    outline will apply for the drawing of the internal thread as well, you
    will have to refer to SAE charts regarding acceptable thread clearances
    and thread classes. A "Machinery Handbook" will provide this
    E-mail me and I will be more than happy to send you the .doc file. I
    will also send you pictures in the .jpg format of the cut threads.

    Good luck,
    G. De Angelis
    lotec, May 31, 2006
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