Express Tool LMAN & Lisp Routine!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kipph, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. kipph

    kipph Guest

    trying to Import a Layer State using the Express Tools Lman.lsp & a separate Lisp routine.

    Background Info:
    Using ADT r3.3 w/ Express Tools from AutoCAD 2k.

    1st attempt at Importing:
    Load Express Tools in Startup.

    (defun LAYER_STATE ()
    (command "bns_c_import_lay" "Layers.lay")
    (princ "\nBLayers State Imported!")
    This doesn't work (Error on Command)!!!

    2nd Attempt:
    (defun LAYER_STATE ()
    (princ "\n Type \"Import\" then grab the appropriate Layer State")
    (princ "\n Enter to continue")
    (command pause)
    (princ "\nBLayers State Imported!")

    This works but is awkward for users to perform.
    Is there any other way to execute this???

    kipph, Sep 10, 2004
  2. kipph

    Jack G Guest

    My solution for this would be to write a small script file called something
    like "ImpLayers.scr" something like...
    and then in lisp, say (command "script" "ImpLayers.scr").

    Jack G, Sep 11, 2004
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