Express tool Laymrg

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nate Hunter, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Nate Hunter

    Nate Hunter Guest

    How can I pass to the AutoCAD command line the laymrg. What I am doing
    currently is:

    'set a selection set before sending the next line.
    ObjAcad.ActiveDocument.SendCommand ("laymrg") & vbCr ' Start the Layer Merge
    Express tool
    ObjAcad.ActiveDocument.SendCommand ("l") & vbCr ' Select the selection set
    passed in before
    ObjAcad.ActiveDocument.SendCommand ("oldname") 'Set the old name to merge
    ObjAcad.ActiveDocument.SendCommand ("newname") 'Set the newname to merge to

    This process does not work. When I pass the laymrg to the command line
    AutoCAD does not allow me to pass the next line. It only will pass if I
    physically type it in.

    My goal is to be able to take old layers and convert them to our new company
    standards. I know I could probably use the Layer Translator that AutoCAD
    provides but for all that I am doing this will not work.

    Any Ideas??
    Nate Hunter, Jan 17, 2005
  2. Nate Hunter

    hendie Guest

    It would be easier to create a selection set of all objects on the specified layer, then loop through each object setting the layer property as desired
    hendie, Jan 17, 2005
  3. Nate Hunter

    Nate Hunter Guest

    thanks I will give it a try.
    Nate Hunter, Jan 17, 2005
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