Exporting table of Cartesian coordinates

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Daniel Haude, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Daniel Haude

    Daniel Haude Guest

    Hello folks,

    me again. I've drawn a bunch of parts that need to be made on a CNC
    machine. In terms of angles and fillet radii the parts are very easy to
    anntotate, but the CNC guy needs to have the start and end points of every
    line and arc segment in cartesian coordinates. Annotating this part with
    ordinate dimensions, as I ususally do for manually machined parts, is a
    complete nightmare for this part -- it's almost impossible to do, and when
    finished, it's almost impossible to read. So I thought what would be neat
    is a way to export this data in a kind of table. Any ideas?

    Actually, I think it's stupid anyway to manually transfer -- of all
    things! -- numbers from one computer to another one, but the CNC guys says
    he can't import files into his machine. I know very little abour CNC, but
    that's his realm and I'll have to believe what he says.

    Daniel Haude, Mar 15, 2006
  2. Daniel Haude

    sjm1.pitt Guest

    Hi Daniel,
    I would need to see one part as an example.

    ....anyway if you provide your CNC person with a drawing and the
    annotations, why
    can't they use that for programming the machine to produce the part?

    :) you sure he's not trying to get you to do his work for him?

    sjm1.pitt, Mar 15, 2006
  3. Daniel Haude

    Daniel Haude Guest

    He always does. But in this case the annotations are a forest of lines and
    hard to read. There are many instances of vertices that are, say, only
    1/20 mm apart in x direction (but plenty in y), which crams the annotation
    lines so close together that they become indistinguishable. Of course
    there are ways around this, but in the end the drawing is a hell of a lot
    more complicated and hard to read than necessary.
    Absolutely not.

    But anyway, the problem is solved: My CNC guy looked at the dwg and saw
    that half of the entities are small fillets all of which are the same
    diameter. His machine can do those automatically, I just need to detail
    the un-filleted dwg which is easily manageable.

    Daniel Haude, Mar 16, 2006
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