Exporting SWx CAD data as cartesian coordinates?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by discoboy.nz, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. discoboy.nz

    discoboy.nz Guest

    Hi everyone!

    I have a part which I need to translate the vertices into a table of
    cartesian coordinates. Does anyone know a way to do this in SWx?


    discoboy.nz, Jan 10, 2008
  2. depends on your definition of "vertices".
    If you mean the vertices of the meshes (tesselation), you can easily
    edit my free macro on http://swapi.wordpress.com/2007/03/25/objmtl-exporter/
    to generate a text file in the format you need instead of a .obj file.
    If you want only the points at corners of edges delimiting faces, then
    I could write a macro for you. Should it work only on parts or also on
    assemblies ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jan 10, 2008
  3. discoboy.nz

    discoboy.nz Guest

    Hi Philippe!

    Thanks for your reply. Yes I only need the co-ordinates of the
    corners of a part. It's to give to an optics specialist so he can
    input into his system and optimise the design. (It's a lightpipe
    btw). Thanks so much, I really am pretty lost when it comes to

    discoboy.nz, Jan 14, 2008
  4. discoboy.nz

    takedown Guest

    I believe if you output to an IGES (it might be another neutral
    format) towards the bottom of the file is are the XYZ coordinates of
    any reference points you've created. So if you add points to your
    vertices of interest you should be able to read them by opening the
    IGES ans an ascii text file. Of course this could all be bs since I
    haven't tested it myself.
    takedown, Jan 14, 2008
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