Exporting .dwg file to a bmp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by InterKOT, Jul 26, 2003.

  1. InterKOT

    InterKOT Guest


    Can anybody explain to me step-by-step what I need to do to save
    autocad file dwg to a bmp file. When I attempt to use the bmpout command
    it does create a bmp file but it's empty, and I still don't understnad
    how this command works. It says "select objects" but even if I press Cntr-A
    it still does not do anything except crete an empty bmp-file

    Thanks in advance

    InterKOT, Jul 26, 2003
  2. InterKOT

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    You need to actually select the objects, as the message says. Use you
    mouse to 'window' over the items you wish to include in the bmp file.
    B. W. Salt., Jul 26, 2003
  3. I read this with interest. I have been trying to do the same kind of thing
    with a rendered image and then open it in Paint Shop Pro (As far as I am
    aware also part of the Autodesk family).

    However, when the picture opens in PSP, it just shows the line drawing and
    not the rendering.

    How can I keep the rendering in the BMP?

    Richard Hawley, Jul 26, 2003
  4. Is that a plotter that has dreadlocks?

    (Just a joke)
    Daniel J. Ellis, Jul 27, 2003
  5. InterKOT

    Bill Cochell Guest

    If you are using PSP, why not just use the Capture utility in PSP?
    The BMP is not very efficient when it comes to compression.

    If you are saving a rendering, why not use JPG? Although it
    is NOT a loss-less algorithm, it is fine for most uses.

    For < 256 colors GIF (albeit an old method) is very good at
    keeping the file size down.


    Bill Cochell (lose the _TUDE_ to reply directly)

    "Don't you see what it's like in this deranged Waring Blender of
    a world?! Every day is an agonizing ordeal, like balancing a pot
    of scalding water on your head while people whip your legs and
    butt..." - Duckman
    Bill Cochell, Jul 28, 2003
  6. InterKOT

    CW Guest

    CW, Jul 28, 2003
  7. For some reason AutoCAD won't save in a JPG form it gives DWG type files and
    BMP only
    Richard Hawley, Jul 28, 2003
  8. InterKOT

    john Guest

    It won't SAVE to a Jpeg but it will PLOT to Jpeg once you've created a
    suitable plot configuration.

    John B

    johnbogie btinternet.com
    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Jul 28, 2003
  9. In Autocad 14..... Tools/Display Image/Save/BMP.
    as simple as that
    Good luck
    Guido De angelis
    Guido De Angelis, Aug 31, 2003
  10. InterKOT

    SW Guest

    Yes but it sounds like he's done that in another way. BMPOUT is the same as
    going to the menus and calling up the routine.
    You might be getting an empty file if your trying to do this from
    You'll have to be in model space, and unfortunately, won't get your
    paperspace information.

    An alternate to this that I use, slower, and not great resolution, is to do
    a print preview, ctrl alt prtscreen, whatever is on the screen, open up
    paint, then paste.
    Couple of notes, depending on the size of the drawings, you'll have to do it
    in sections. This is because whatever you see on the screen in terms of
    clarity, will be captured into the bmp file, so if you require clarity for
    faxing, etc. zoom in as close as you can and capture.

    Hope this helps.

    SW, Sep 12, 2003
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