Export to EPS reduces size?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CT, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. CT

    CT Guest

    This be my first post here so I dont know if this is a common problem or
    not. My graphic designers use Illustrator on the Mac which requires EPS file
    format. I therefore export files from my version 14 AutoCad into EPS format
    for them. However, the sizing of any and all exported files is reduced by
    approximately 300% and I cannot find out or understand why. Any idea's?
    CT, Mar 4, 2004
  2. CT

    jeannette Guest

    Because Adobe eps files usually include a bitmap preview which makes
    the file much larger. Autocad doesn't.

    It is possible to tell Adobe not to include the preview. The file is
    then a lot smaller.

    Bristol 32, San Francisco
    jeannette, Mar 4, 2004
  3. CT

    CT Guest

    Cheers, but I dont think I worded my quey very well. It is not file size
    that reduces, it is the drawing held in the file. For example, the two main
    panel sizes of my latest drawing in AutoCAD were 150 x 136mm, when the file
    was exported then opened in Illustrator, the panel sizes in the drawing had
    reduced to 50 x 46mm
    CT, Mar 5, 2004
  4. CT

    jeannette Guest

    You probably have a page size set and the drawing gets reduced ti fit
    the page. eps was started as a desktop publishing format and
    everything was setup around paper size.

    Bristol 32, San Francisco
    jeannette, Mar 5, 2004
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