export to dxf tip

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Diego, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Diego

    Diego Guest

    Just wanted to share this with the whole group. I've been exporting
    sheet metal flat patterns out to dxf, (into ACAD 2000LT) from SW since
    '99 and never had seen this. This tip, using "edit/copy to dwgeditor"
    saves a bunch of steps, and is making me drop ACAD for dwgeditor.


    Thanks Ricky!
    Diego, Jan 10, 2007
  2. Diego

    SW Monkey Guest

    Nice tip. Thanks.
    SW Monkey, Jan 10, 2007
  3. Diego

    Pats Fan Guest

    I just tried this tip and could not get it to work....?

    I opened an existing drawing , selected a view (which had annotations
    and dimensions) and selected Edit/Copy to Drawing Editor. At this
    point I got a pop-up to inform me that One or more drawing views are
    scaled differently and that some dimensions will appear out of scale on
    target system. Now ... toggle over to Drawing Editor and Edit/Paste...
    DWGeditor message... Clipboard data is in-valid or unavailable. The
    Paste operation was not performed.

    SW2006 SP4.1
    DWGeditor 2006 SP0.0

    What do you think????

    Pats Fan, Jan 10, 2007
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