Export to DWG result in polylines instead of ellipses.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by New to SW, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. New to SW

    New to SW Guest

    I use SW 2005sp4 and tried to export to a dwg file, but AutoCAD receives a
    polyline where there should had been an ellipse, are there any settings for
    Or is it a normal SW behaviour.

    Regards Peder
    New to SW, Dec 19, 2005
  2. New to SW

    Sporkman Guest

    In my experience that's normal SW behavior. The SaveAs function does
    not seem to recognize anything but lines and arcs . . . anything other
    than those are converted to polylines.

    Sporkman, Dec 19, 2005
  3. New to SW

    TOP Guest

    Been that way since time immemorial. I think the reverse is true to.
    TOP, Dec 20, 2005
  4. New to SW

    lackluster Guest

    but AutoCAD receives a polyline where
    Are splines exported as polylines, too? Is there an acad version variable that
    can be set? There wasn't any other way to represent a spline prior to acad r14
    or so.
    If you export a polyline acad gets an ellipse? <G>
    lackluster, Dec 20, 2005
  5. New to SW

    TOP Guest

    No, an ellipse in ACAD is imported as a polyline into SW.

    All kidding aside, if, in SW you select the polylines only, you can
    convert them into a spline and delete the polylines in one operation.
    TOP, Dec 20, 2005
  6. New to SW

    New to SW Guest

    Thanks, it is a model with cuts in a cylinders, I need the 2D ellipse in
    AutoCAD and sort I could export the drawing.
    New to SW, Dec 20, 2005
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