Export to BMP / JPG ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Martin, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    I have an occasional need to save a .dwg to a .jpg file. The few times
    I've done this, I first exported it to a .BMP file and then opened
    that up in Microsoft PhotoDraw and re-saved it as a .JPG file.

    When I tried to do this just now, the .BMP file exported by AutoCad
    was enormous - over 2 MB ! - too big for PhotoDraw to handle (it
    couldn't open it). The .BMP files that I've created before were about
    250K in size.

    When I'd done this before I was using AutoCad 14 - this time I'm using
    AutoCad 2000. Is there some fundamental difference here that I need to
    adjust for in some way?

    Any suggestions?


    ps: I realize there are numerous utilities out there that purpotr to
    do all this but I really don't want to invest a bunch of money in
    something that I need only once every year or so.
    Martin, Feb 4, 2005
  2. Use GIMP - You can download it here - http://www.gimp.org/

    This tool rivals Photoshop for features yet is free. I use it all the
    time for the same purpose. You can save teh file and convert as necessary.

    Perfect Reign, Feb 5, 2005
  3. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Thanks - I'll check it out.
    Martin, Feb 5, 2005
  4. You could also try xnview @ www.xnview.com (free). There is also a plugin
    which can be added to this program it view dwg and dxf files (not sure which
    versions) which you can get from cadsoft tools
    (http://www.cadsofttools.com/?PageName=Plugins) but I think this costs,
    maybe a free evaluation version available though.
    Ponsford Group, Feb 5, 2005
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