Export pixel colors to a file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Cutler, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. John Cutler

    John Cutler Guest

    Hi, all --

    I working on a project with some geologists. We want to (1) load digital
    photos into AutoCAD (Map 2000); (2) draw a vertical line across the image;
    and (3) export the Red/Green/Blue color values of each pixel crossed by the
    line to a comma-separated text file.

    It seems to me that the computer must "know" somewhere what the pixel color
    values are for each screen pixel. Can LISP or VBA or ___(?) access these
    color values and export them to some sort of file?

    I'm flexible re the format of the export file (comma separated, tab
    separated, whatever -- anything I can open, read and translate into what I



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    John Cutler -- Mapping/GIS Director,
    Ozark Regional Land Trust
    (Ozark Bioregion - MO/AR/KS/OK)
    2435 Sweetwater Lane
    Mansfield MO 65704
    (417) 741-7363

    John Cutler, Jun 23, 2004
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