Export layout from Encounter to VLE

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wzhenning, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest


    I am having some issues importing a layout into Virtuoso layout editor
    from Encounter. First, I tried saving my layout as DEF in Encounter.
    Then, I imported it using the "import DEF" option in design framework.
    I believed I entered all the required information in the import menu
    correctly.(such as the standard cell lib name and location etc.).
    However, the layout I got in Virtuoso only contained interconnects.
    All the cell instances are missing. Any suggestions on what might have

    I also tried saving my layout in GDS format in Encounter. But the
    StreamOut.Map file I have is not correctly matched to the technology I
    am using. Therefore, the layout I got in Virtuoso has wrong layers.
    My second question is if there is a way to automatically generate
    StreamOut.Map file.

    I am new to Encounter, your help will be highly appreciated.

    wzhenning, Dec 11, 2006
  2. wzhenning

    supra Guest

    I am trying to develop the schematic to layout . I would like some
    leads on how to create layout from the cells from the schematic.

    supra, Dec 12, 2006
  3. wzhenning

    supra Guest

    thanks for your reply ,

    It is digital and analog but not semiconductor electronics. It is
    superconducting electronics and cadence cells developed in my group
    and both layout and schematic. So the netlist is a hierarchical
    supra, Dec 12, 2006
  4. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Are you trying to do schematic driven layout? I am confused.
    If you have the layout cells already, can't you just lay it out in
    Virtuoso according to your schematic?

    Can we stick to my problem in this thread? :)
    wzhenning, Dec 12, 2006
  5. wzhenning

    supra Guest

    yes I am trying to do a schematic driven layout. But i want to automate

    supra, Dec 12, 2006
  6. wzhenning

    mohanr Guest

    I remember facing similar problems. I had not provided the reference
    library names correctly. Once i modified them the layouts were visible
    for standard cells. May be posting of the log file for the DEF in will
    help to resolve the error quickly.

    I have not tried Stream out from Encounter and hence will be unable to
    comment on it.

    Mohan R
    mohanr, Dec 12, 2006
  7. wzhenning

    S. Badel Guest

    First, I tried saving my layout as DEF in Encounter.
    This should work. If the cells are missing, then probably they could not be found. There should have
    been errors reported in the CIW.

    If you do have the standard cells layouts and you correctly inserted it in the reference libraries
    field, then my only guess is that you do not have abstract views of the cells. To generate abstract
    views, import the LEF containing the standard cells into cadence before importing your DEF.
    It is very simple to create your own using information from your PDK.
    Encounter does generate one automatically if you do not specify one, however it can not guess the
    correct GDS layer numbers.

    Furthermore, when streaming back the GDS into cadence, the layer map file (or stream layers from the
    technology library) must match what was used when streaming out.

    S. Badel, Dec 12, 2006
  8. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Hi mohanr,

    Thanks for the reply. Below finds my CDS.log. I am not sure what
    "cmos90site" is. I saw it in the floorplan menu but can't change it.
    I did specify the correct name of the library when I import the DEF.


    \o CADENCE Design Systems, Inc.
    \o Loading IBM A&MS cmos9sf Procedures for Cadence Version "5.1.0"
    \w *WARNING* techOpenTechFile: unable to open file techfile.cds in
    library CMOS9SFRVT in r mode
    \w *WARNING* property 'designRuleWidth' exists, ignored.
    \w *WARNING* property 'FE_CORE_BOX_LL_X' exists, ignored.
    \w *WARNING* property 'FE_CORE_BOX_UR_X' exists, ignored.
    \w *WARNING* property 'FE_CORE_BOX_LL_Y' exists, ignored.
    \w *WARNING* property 'FE_CORE_BOX_UR_Y' exists, ignored.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master cmos90site!
    \o Processing VIAS Section
    \w *WARNING* Layer 280 not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Layer via1Array not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Via 'via1Array_1' not found and no geometries are
    described in VIAS section of the DEF file. May cause problems.
    \w *WARNING* Layer 280 not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Layer via1Array not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Via 'via1Array_3' not found and no geometries are
    described in VIAS section of the DEF file. May cause problems.
    \w *WARNING* Layer 280 not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Layer via1Array not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Via 'via1Array_5' not found and no geometries are
    described in VIAS section of the DEF file. May cause problems.
    \w *WARNING* Layer 280 not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Layer via1Array not found in DEF layer information.
    \w *WARNING* Via 'via1Array_6' not found and no geometries are
    described in VIAS section of the DEF file. May cause problems.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master cmos90site.
    \o Processing COMPONENTS Section
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master INVX20VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master INVX20VH. Instance clk__L2_I0 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master INVX20VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master INVX20VH. Instance clk__L1_I0 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master DFFHQX8VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master DFFHQX8VH. Instance position_reg[1]
    not created.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance data_reg[2] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance data_reg[3] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance data_reg[4] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance data_reg[5] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance data_reg[7] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_pb_reg[4] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_pb_reg[6] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_p_reg[4] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_p_reg[6] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Scm_p_reg[5] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Scm_p_reg[7] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_n_reg[4] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_n_reg[6] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Scm_n_reg[5] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Scm_n_reg[7] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_nb_reg[4] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master EDFFX1VH. Instance Srf_nb_reg[6] not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND2X4VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND2X4VH. Instance U126 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND4X2VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND4X2VH. Instance U127 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND2BX8VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND2BX8VH. Instance U128 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND2BX8VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NAND2BX8VH. Instance U129 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master CLKINVX24VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master CLKINVX24VH. Instance U130 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master CLKNAND2X12VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master CLKNAND2X12VH. Instance U131 not
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master AND2X6VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master AND2X6VH. Instance U133 not created.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master INVX12VH!
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master INVX12VH. Instance U137 not created.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find master NOR2X8VH!
    wzhenning, Dec 12, 2006
  9. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    Thanks very much for your help. You were correct. My standard lib
    cells don't have abstract view. Follow you suggestion, I imported the
    LEF before I import the DEF, now I do see all the cell instances in
    Virtuoso. I guess I just need to do a search/replace now to change all
    the abstract views to layout views.

    However, I am having another problem. The vias Encounter uses
    (V2_TOS_N, V3_H etc..) don't exist in my standard lib (see the CDS.log
    below). The correct vias are located in another libary(other than the
    libary that holds all the standard cells). Now all the vias are
    missing in my imported layout. How do I let Encounter use the correct

    Again, thanks very much for your help.


    \o Processing VIAS Section
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master CMOS9SFRVT.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master CMOS9SFRVT.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master CMOS9SFRVT.
    \w *WARNING* Unable to find site master CMOS9SFRVT.
    \o Processing COMPONENTS Section
    \o Processing PINS Section
    \o Processing SPECIALNETS Section
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V1S_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_H" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_V" for net clk__L2_N0 in via list.
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V3_TOS_E" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    \w *WARNING* Could not find VIA "V2_TOS_N" for net clk__L2_N0 in via
    wzhenning, Dec 12, 2006
  10. wzhenning

    S. Badel Guest

    I guess I just need to do a search/replace now to change all
    Yes. Alternatively, in Virtuoso Preview there is the Floorplan/Replace View command.
    If the vias exist in a separate library, but that library has been added to the reference libraries
    for DEFin, I see no reason why it could not find them.

    If you miss the vias in DFII, just import the technology part of the LEF (it is sometimes separate
    from the cells themselves).

    Or maybe this is a technology library issue, I'm not sure wether it looks for vias in the technology
    library only or in the reference libraries. It it's the case, check that the techLibName attribute
    of your standard cells lib points to the correct library.

    If you really want Encounter to use different vias, that probably means you used the wrong
    technology LEF when doing P & R.


    S. Badel, Dec 12, 2006
  11. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    I loaded two LEF files when I did Design Import to Encounter. One
    contains macros for all the standard lib cells. The other one (see
    below) defines RC values for timing driven routing, and it has all
    wrong via names in it. I have to load it before I load the macro one
    otherwise I will get an error saying:

    **ERROR: (SOCLF-3): Error found when processing LEF file
    **ERROR: (SOCLF-26): Seems no technology information defined in
    fisrt lef file.
    Please rearrange the lef file order and make sure the technology lef
    file is the
    first one, exit and restart First Encounter.
    **ERROR: Load LEF file lef/cmos90_macros.lef failed

    Any suggestions? Thanks for the help again.


    LAYER M1
    WIDTH 0.120 ;
    AREA 0.07 ;
    SPACING 0.120 ;
    SPACING .18 RANGE 0.725 2.80 ;
    SPACING .34 RANGE 2.805 8.00 ;
    SPACING 1.02 RANGE 8.005 100000.0 ;
    PITCH 0.280 ;
    OFFSET 0.14 ;
    THICKNESS 0.2528 ;
    HEIGHT 0.89 ;
    MAXWIDTH 25.00 ;
    RESISTANCE RPERSQ 1.6940e-01 ;
    EDGECAPACITANCE 7.2839e-05 ;
    AntennaAreaRatio 298 ;
    AntennaDiffAreaRatio 298 ;
    END M1

    LAYER V1
    TYPE CUT ;
    SPACING 0.18 ;
    AntennaAreaRatio 10 ;
    AntennaDiffAreaRatio 10 ;
    END V1

    RESISTANCE 9.0000e+00 ;
    LAYER M2 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.11 0.07 0.11 ;
    LAYER V2 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    LAYER M3 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    END V2_H

    RESISTANCE 9.0000e+00 ;
    LAYER M2 ;
    RECT -0.11 -0.07 0.11 0.07 ;
    LAYER V2 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    LAYER M3 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    END V2_V

    RESISTANCE 9.0000e+00 ;
    LAYER M3 ;
    RECT -0.13 -0.07 0.13 0.07 ;
    LAYER V3 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    LAYER M4 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    END V3_H
    wzhenning, Dec 12, 2006
  12. wzhenning

    S. Badel Guest

    I loaded two LEF files when I did Design Import to Encounter. One
    This is correct. You have to load first the technology LEF, which defines layers, vias etc...

    If this is the LEF provided with your standard-cell library, I suspect that it is indeed the one you
    should use.

    If you would like to use other vias, then I'm questioning : where are they coming from ? Why don't
    you use the provided vias ? Are they consistent with your technology ? Technically, it's very
    possible to do, though. The reason I'm asking is, I feel like you are trying to have Encounter use
    different vias which you already have in DFII for custom layout, instead of having the existing P&R
    vias imported into DFII.

    What I'm suggesting is : keep routing with the original LEF. However, import the technology part of
    the LEF into Cadence Design Framework before importing the DEF file. Then, DEF import should go OK.

    S. Badel, Dec 12, 2006
  13. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    Thanks very much for yesterday's help. I was not trying to use
    different vias. The vias in the foundry provided LEF file are written
    in the following format:

    RESISTANCE 9.0000e+00 ;
    LAYER M1 ;
    RECT -0.11 -0.07 0.11 0.07 ;
    LAYER V1 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    LAYER M2 ;
    RECT -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 ;
    END V1_V

    I assume there should be a cell called "V1_V" in my standard lib, but I
    don't see any of them. Actually my standard cell ibrary doesn't
    contain any vias cells, only digital gates and functional units. My
    technology library (the one which holds all the mos, cap, resistor
    symbols) has vias, but they are named differently from those in LEF(for
    instance, viaM1_M2). Apparently, Encounter did the routing using vias
    from the LEF file. But these vias can't be mapped to layout instances
    in Virtuoso even I imported the LEF before I imported my DEF.

    Is there another file which maps the LEF vias to Virtuoso vias? I
    searched my PDK directory but didn't see anything. Do you have any
    further suggestions?

    Thanks very much in advance.

    wzhenning, Dec 13, 2006
  14. wzhenning

    S. Badel Guest

    Ok. That's what I was expecting. You should not try to map the LEF vias to the vias existing in your
    technology library. Instead, you should *import* the LEF file which contains the vias used for P&R
    (the one you are giving an excerpt in your post). By doing this, all vias defined in the LEF, those
    used for P&R, will be imported into your DFII library.

    Remember that neither LEF nor DEF is a complete design, only the combination of the two. The LEF
    part contains the technology/standard cells and the DEF file contains the netlist, placement and
    routing, etc... Therefore, before importing a DEF file into DFII, the corresponding LEF should be
    imported to generate the macros and technology-related cells that are referenced in the DEF.

    Also, note that the vias in the LEF file are "optimized" for place & route (they are adapted to the
    routing pitch, they include top-of-stack vias to satify minimum area requirements, possibly
    double-cut vias for reliability, etc...) while the ones you already have in your technology library
    are for custom-layout.

    S. Badel, Dec 13, 2006
  15. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    I understand the concept much better now. Thanks for your explanation
    about the differences between custom-layout vias and encounter vias.

    I think I know what caused the missing vias now. When I imported the
    two lef files (cmos90_6lm_2thick_tech.lef and cmos90_macros.lef) into
    DFII, the first one (the one contains all the vias) failed. Therefore,
    the vias were not imported. Do you know what might have caused the
    failure in "LEF in"? (CDS.log below).

    Thanks very much.


    \w *WARNING* Via "V1_H" does not exist in the technology file
    \e *Error* gec3LefInMain: Technology information different in the LEF
    file and technology library "cmos9sf" not writable. LEFIN aborting...
    \e <<< Stack Trace >>>
    \e (... in prtLEFInFormCB ...)
    \e prtLEFInFormCB()
    \e progn(prtLEFInFormCB())
    \e hiFormDone(prtLEFInForm)
    \e (... in hiDisplayForm ...)
    \e (... in prtLEFInCB ...)
    \e prtLEFInCB()
    \e (... in hiDisplayForm ...)
    \e (... in prtLEFInCB ...)
    \e prtLEFInCB()
    \e (... in hiDisplayForm ...)
    \e (... in prtLEFInCB ...)
    \e prtLEFInCB()
    \r t
    \r t
    wzhenning, Dec 13, 2006
  16. wzhenning

    S. Badel Guest

    technology library "cmos9sf" not writable

    Could this be the problem ? :)

    What I usually do is create a new tech lib for a standard-cell library by copying the tech lib from
    the design kit, possibly edit the technology file to remove unused devices, correct P&R attributes
    etc., then import the technology LEF into it. Following, create a library to hold the standard cells
    and associate it with this new tech lib, and import the LEF macros into it (they could also be
    imported directly into the new tech lib itself, a matter of taste..).

    Then, create a library to hold the designs, again associate it with the new tech lib, and import the
    DEF designs into it.

    Hope this will solve your problem.

    S. Badel, Dec 15, 2006
  17. wzhenning

    S. Badel Guest

    What I usually do is create a new tech lib for a standard-cell library
    Let me add one more thing : layer names may be different between the design kit's technology library
    and the LEF technology file. This causes problems, because when importing LEF, layers are matched by
    name and if they do not yet exist, new layers will be created. So, changing the layer names in the
    cadence technology file to match those in the LEF is necessary.

    S. Badel, Dec 15, 2006
  18. wzhenning

    wzhenning Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    I followed your suggestions and was able to avoid the errors. It is a
    good idea to create a new library to store all the cells and stuffs. I
    think finally I am getting somewhere now. I appreciate your consistent
    help very much. I wish you good luck on your research and work. Have
    a good Christmas and happy new year in advance.

    Best Regards,

    wzhenning, Dec 18, 2006
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