Export/Import Acad LT 97 attributes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by risto, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. risto

    risto Guest

    1. I'm looking for a way to import acad lt 97 attributes
    programmatically to a database but haven't found a proper
    way to do it avoiding the user dialogs. (asking for the
    definition template name and output file name). Can these
    paths be put in system variables and skip the user dialogs or
    is there some other workaround? I've been using DDE for
    sending commands.

    2. The above was what I have been trying after
    failing to get an acadlt object in VB to direcly
    access the LT properties and methods. (type library fails).
    Can this even be done? I recently heard that LT 97 does
    not reveal it's objects and ?

    3. The best choice would be to directly read attribute values
    from the *.dwg files without ever launching the acad. Would
    somebody know a way to do this (sample code?) without
    purchasing any 3rd party apps?

    Propably I haven't tried the best way yet as I obviously am
    not aware of it so I appreciate all help I can get;)

    risto, Sep 16, 2003
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