Exploding splines to arcs, lines

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jason, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    How do I easily explode a spline into lines and arcs. I have a group
    of splines that I keep exploding. They have nested splines within
    splines. I keep exploding these nested splines until I get down to
    "simple" splines that seem to have only one primitive element within
    them, like 1 line or 1 arc. Then the explode command doesn't explode
    any further. I've seen a trick to convert splines to 3D polylines by
    saving the drawing to DXF R12, then reopening and resaving as DXF
    2000. The problem is, this breaks what looks like simple arcs into
    very small lines. I want to try to keep the larger arcs intact.

    Any info would be appreciated.
    Jason, Jul 23, 2003
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