exploded dimensions!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by duBBle A, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. duBBle A

    duBBle A Guest

    Everytime I put in a dimension it comes in exploded, ie every line and the
    text is it's own entity. Does anyone know where the setting is to keep it
    all connected? (It's only happening on this guy's drawings, mine are fine,
    but I copy/pasted a dimension line from my work and using that style it
    still comes in exploded! It happens in both Autocad 14 and 2000. Only this
    guys drawings though. I'm wondering if there's a checkbox or something for
    insert exploded. I just can't find it. Thank you in advance for your help.

    duBBle A, Sep 11, 2003
  2. duBBle A

    john Guest

    The other guy has DIMASO set to 0 or OFF. It should be set to 1 or ON.

    John B

    johnbogie btinternet.com
    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Sep 11, 2003
  3. duBBle A

    duBBle A Guest

    That did it!!! Thanks.

    duBBle A, Sep 11, 2003
  4. Hi Arron,

    You might also want to talk to the guy and make sure that his standard
    prototpe drawing (template) has dimaso turned on, or the problem will
    keep coming back.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to reconnect the dimensions once they
    are exploded (at least that I know). Why this setting still even
    exists is beyond my imagination. Why it ever existed escapes me too.

    If "the other guy" is receptive, you can also simply share your good
    template with him and replace his.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Sep 13, 2003
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