Explode Block creates duplicate

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by chaseengineer, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. I am using the following lines of code to insert a block, update the block and then explode the block. After the block is exploded, there is another instance of the block under the exploded block. The other instance is not exploded. I have stopped the code before the explode, and there is only one instance of the block on the drawing before the explode. What is going on??

    Set varBlockRef = destinationDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(dHandleInsertPoint, "SS Cast Flush Pull", 1#, 1#, 1#, 0)


    chaseengineer, Oct 25, 2004
  2. That's how it works...Delete what you
    don't work...gl...
    Paul Richardson, Oct 25, 2004
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