Expand/Collapse Tree

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Rauenbuehler, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. Under the Customize Menu -> Keyboard Tab -> "Others" Category, there is
    an "Expand/Collapse Tree" entry. The default key combination is "Alt+T"

    Anyone have any idea what that does? I was hoping it would actually work
    to keep the FMT collapsed back down after it "auto-expands" itself into
    a mostly unusable state, but I don't see that the key combo actually
    does anything....


    Steve R.
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Sep 28, 2005
  2. Steve Rauenbuehler

    JEB Davis Guest

    When I hit the key, it displays, then toggles expand/collapse the tree
    in the Graphics Area, but does not expand/collapse the tree in the FM.
    JEB Davis, Sep 28, 2005
  3. Never mind. Found it. It expands or collapses the flyout tree when it's
    displayed over the graphics area.

    Steve Rauenbuehler, Sep 28, 2005
  4. Steve Rauenbuehler

    Muggs Guest

    OH WAYNE!!! I think you have a customer!

    Wayne Tiffany will rear his head any minute and tell you where to download
    the most amasing set of macros.
    One of witch will allow you hit the "." (point) on the num pad to toggle the
    FM in and out.
    If he doesn't I'll see if I can find the .zip file of macros and

    Muggs, Sep 28, 2005
  5. I've had and used those macros for a long time. I was hoping the Alt+T
    was a long lost shortcut to collapse (not close) the FMT after it so
    inconveniently explodes itself....

    Steve R.
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Sep 28, 2005
  6. Steve Rauenbuehler

    Muggs Guest

    Sorry Steve,
    I didn't realize you said FMT.

    Muggs, Sep 28, 2005
  7. Sorry I'm a bit late on gun here - pretty busy.

    I don't know of a way to collapse the FeatureTree other than a right-click
    and collapse. Would be nice, though.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 28, 2005
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