executing skill code from terminal

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by sampath, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. sampath

    sampath Guest

    can i execute skill code from command line keeping my df2 up??
    I have a feeling that we cannot...but just want to give it a shot.
    sampath, Dec 5, 2003
  2. Not sure what you mean. You can invoke SKILL from various executables, including
    "skill" "dbAccess" and DFII executables.

    What are you asking - your question is not really clear...

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 5, 2003
  3. sampath

    Erik Wanta Guest

    You can use the skill binary to execute SKILL scripts from the command
    line without dfII up.

    your skill code

    If you have dfII up you can just load the code in the CIW.
    Erik Wanta, Dec 7, 2003
  4. sampath

    sampath Guest

    Thanks Erik, I dint know that we can run skill code like this.
    Now if I want to acess databasefunctions, how can I do that?
    I am not able to do the following,

    lyCv = dbOpenCellView(<layoutName> <cellName> <viewName>)

    can I do this?? or should i have to open df2 for this?
    sampath, Dec 8, 2003
  5. sampath

    sampath Guest

    where can I find documentation for working with the executables like
    dbAccess, skill??
    sampath, Dec 8, 2003
  6. Hi Sampath,

    I guess you probably realised that dbAccess would allow you to access the
    database ;-)

    As for documentation, there's very little (if any) on these executables. Not
    sure how much is needed, to be honest. skill just provides the core SKILL
    functions (as in the SKILL language reference manual).

    dbAccess adds the db, dd, tech, cdf functions. One way of looking at it is
    that all functions that are legal in pcells are available in dbAccess.

    You can use "skill -i filename" to initialise from a file and then go

    For dbAccess to load SKILL code you can't just supply the filename on the
    command line, you need to do:

    dbAccess -load "filename.il"


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 9, 2003
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