Exchanging info between VB-VLisp-VB

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Yvon, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. Yvon

    Yvon Guest

    I have many programs in Visual Lisp and I would like to add some VB to them. I need to read visual lisp lists in my VB program and I don't know how to do it.

    Any help?
    Yvon, Jan 28, 2005
  2. Yvon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    One way would be to use Frank Oquendo's Vlax Class. This allows you to
    access lisp functions & symbols. It has been posted here numerous times. If
    you can't find it, post back and I'll see if I still have the zip file here.
    Jeff Mishler, Jan 29, 2005
  3. I have not tried the vlax class, but when trying to mix the two, I make dll's of my VB code and call them in process.
    I know you want to read the global vars in an acad session which is different.
    I think you should consider writing info to a text file with your lisp as a go-between.
    Its an odd thing because you can make dll's with VB, but not with lisp.
    Curious to see what you decide.

    Yvon <>
    |>I have many programs in Visual Lisp and I would like to add some VB to them. I need to read visual lisp lists in my VB program and I don't know how to do it.
    |>Any help?

    James Maeding
    jmaeding at hunsaker dot com
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Jan 29, 2005
  4. Yvon

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Yvon

    In addition to the other answers:

    You can build an interface to 'transport' the values from/to...
    - Single values by system vars USERI1-5 USERR1-5 or USERS1-5
    - For complex informations use dictionaries

    This sample shows you how to do it with system vars:
    ; == Function MeMsgBox
    ; Displays the VBA MsgBox.
    ; Arguments [Type]:
    ;   Pmt = Prompt [STR]
    ;   But = Buttons [INT] *)
    ;   Tit = Title [STR]
    ; Return [Type]:
    ;   > Return value [INT] *)
    ; Notes:
    ;   *) Details see VBA help, for LISP use the 'vlax-' prefix.
    (defun MeMsgBox (Pmt But Tit)
    (setvar "USERS1" Pmt)
    (setvar "USERS2" Tit)
    (setvar "USERI1" But)
    (vl-vbarun "YourVba.dvb!MacroFunctions.ShowMsgBox")
    (getvar "USERI1")
    ' VBA Macro (in modul 'MacroFunctions')
    Sub ShowMsgBox()
    With ThisDrawing
    .SetVariable "USERI1", MsgBox(.GetVariable("USERS1"), _
    .GetVariable("USERI1"), _
    End with
    End Sub
    (MeMsgBox "This is a test." (+ vlax-vbOKOnly vlax-vbInformation) "Title")

    Jürg Menzi, Jan 29, 2005
  5. Hi "Jürg,

    Just in case some other program is relying on data from the User group,
    would not it be a good idea to append your value to the current value with a
    unique divider and remove the additional data after reading it.

    psuedo code only.

    eg (setvar "USERS1" (strcat (getvar "USERS1") "|||" Pmt)

    And at the far end.
    sTmp = Getvariable ("USER1")
    vTmp = Split (sTmp, "|||")
    SetVariable "USER1" vTmp(0)
    TransferredVariable = vTmp(1)



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 29, 2005
  6. It would be nice if we didn't represent third party tools
    that are nothing but 'wrappers' around already existing
    functionality, as essential.

    The Visual LISP ActiveX API is readily accessable from
    any language without the need for any wrapper.

    Learning to use the core functionality directly can
    have benefits in the long run.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 29, 2005
  7. My advice is to use Visual Basic (not VBA), and develop
    your code as ActiveX servers, which you can call from
    Visual LISP.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 29, 2005
  8. I have to take exception to promoting this sort of
    hacking. If there were no other way to do what the
    subject line seeks to do, I would not condemn it in
    the stongest possible terms, but given the broad
    range of alternatives, this is about as horrible as it
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 29, 2005
  9. Yvon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Would you care to share so I might learn? In all of the posts with this, or
    similar, question, I have not seen any response from you, or anyone else, as
    to how this may be done.

    Say I have my "xtraspecial.lsp" that I have been using since Eisenhower was
    president, it works great and sets a global var named "*xtra_spcl_var*" that
    contains a list of dotted pairs. How can I access the data in this var in my
    new VBA project?

    Jeff Mishler, Jan 29, 2005
  10. Hi Tony,

    You may be surprised that I agree with you that it's a kludge as are several
    of the obvious ways of swapping data between lisp and VBA, but if it is
    done, then better to do it safely.

    The other thing for you to realise is that you have an extraordinary
    knowlege of customising AutoCAD. Most (if any) users do not have your
    skills, or the time and intellect to develop them.

    Unfortunately you tend to keep your skills secret - usualy preferring to
    present them as criticism of others' attempts to solve problems from their
    personal range of experience an knowledge.

    A positive response would have been to publish an elegant method of swapping
    variable values between Lisp and VBA.

    If users can get a kludge to work and meet their needs, then they are happy.
    In general they are not faced with the implications of making sure the code
    works in all situations.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 29, 2005
  11. No need for Tony to share; I already did. The utility you mentioned is a
    plain text file, readily accessible to anyone who cares to delve into
    how it works.

    However, it's silly to balk at the idea of using components in our code
    when VB and VBA are almost entirely component based. Indeed, that's the
    idea behind ActiveX in general.

    The real issue, rather than the red herring presented, is when it is
    appropriate to use thid-party tools. As a rule of thumb, avoid any
    closed-source solution not offered by a reputable company with a
    longstanding, respected reputation. Shareware and freeware authors,
    myself included, are free to abandon or radically alter their offerings
    at any time, leaving you without a tool which has become a key component
    in your coding efforts.

    Always look for an option to acquire the source, even if the component
    is free. About the only exception is wrappers for well-documented
    processes such as CommonDialog control replacements and such.

    The only time you should ever set these guidelines aside is when you
    simply need something *now*.
    Frank Oquendo, Jan 29, 2005
  12. Sorry to disagree. Doing things the right way requires no
    'extraordinary' knowledge of AutoCAD. It may require a
    modest understanding of good/sound programming concepts,
    principles, and practices, and the common sense to see the
    pitfalls of kludges like this, before you fall into them.

    In this case, it doesn't take a guru to see that transferring
    data via strings, requires the data to be converted to- and
    from strings, and it requires enough sense to realize that
    there are things that may need to be transferred (such as
    entity names, selection sets, etc.), which cannot persist
    in string form.

    So, given those simple to understand limitations, I can see
    no legitmate argument in defense of taking such an unsound
    and inherintly limited approach to begin with.

    It doesn't take a guru to see how many hoops VBA users
    have to jump through to use the SendCommand() kludge,
    since that also suffers from the same limitations (everything
    must be a string), except that in the case of SendCommand(),
    the VBA programmer can compose LISP expressions as a way
    of passing things that can't be persisted directly in string form.
    (Kludge on top of Kludge).

    If the sophistication of the tools you want to develop require
    this kind of communication wiith LISP, then you've already
    outgrown VBA, and should just accept that, and the fact that
    its probably time to think about using a 'grown up' programming
    system (such as a VB based ActiveX servers).
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 29, 2005
  13. There's been quite a few posts here on how to use
    VL.Application and its aggregates, although I don't
    know if they're all available.

    More importantly, I would recommend avoiding that
    in any case, and just do it the right way (Okay, to
    me, the 'right way' means not using VBA to begin
    with, and instead using VB to build ActiveX dlls that
    you can control directly and in a more supported way,
    from LISP).

    One thing that we should all agree on, is that Microsoft
    very deliberately designed VBA to be limited and easily
    'outgrown', to support sales of VB and other programming
    tools. I don't really see any good purpose in trying to
    'buck' that concept and do things with VBA, that it was
    deliberately designed to not do.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 29, 2005
  14. While I don't disagree with your asessment, I believe your perspective
    is one not shared by most people in this group.

    You make your living writing software. Most of us make our living
    drafting and program as a means to the end of making our drafting
    operations more efficient and standards compiant.

    Whether VBA was designed to do something doesn't really matter so long
    as it *can* do that something since it represents one of the tools
    readily available to every AutoCAD user.
    Frank Oquendo, Jan 29, 2005
  15. Yvon

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Laurie
    First of all, the USERxn sysvars shouldn't be used as globals. It would be a
    bad practice to rely on 'untouched' USERxn's.
    However, everyone has the freedom to reset the variables to the original
    (defun MeMsgBox (Pmt But Tit / RetVal VarLst)
    (setq VarLst (mapcar 'getvar '("USERS1" "USERS2" "USERI1")))
    (setvar "USERS1" Pmt)
    (setvar "USERS2" Tit)
    (setvar "USERI1" But)
    (vl-vbarun "YourVba.dvb!MacroFunctions.ShowMsgBox")
    (setq RetVal (getvar "USERI1"))
    (mapcar '(lambda (s v) (setvar s v)) '("USERS1" "USERS2" "USERI1") VarLst)
    Jürg Menzi, Jan 30, 2005
  16. Have a look at the code in Frank's class and you should be able to work it out.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Jan 30, 2005
  17. Yvon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Thank you for taking the time to share this. It is quite helpful, but I am
    having a hard time understanding how having a formal interface in lisp is
    any different than having an interface in VBA that utilizes the same
    VL.Application as yours..... I mean, what Frank put together is by no means
    any rocket science type code, but rather a compilation of some useful
    functions that help poor sods, like I once was, to make the transition from
    lisp to VB(A). And those functions don't look much different than what is in
    your code. I found the VLAX class to be both useful AND educational......I
    learned that I didn't want to be passing data back and forth, although I
    could if I needed to. I have long since stopped trying to do this, but the
    newcomers need something to help them along (otherwise they wouldn't of
    asked the question).

    I still haven't gotten to the VB part, as that route costs money that I
    can't justify spending for the mods I currently write. But that doesn't mean
    that I don't want to learn the proper way to do things, it's just that
    sometimes we need a crutch to get past the falling down we do in the pursuit
    of learning.

    Thanks again,
    Jeff Mishler, Feb 1, 2005
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