excel link

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by supreme, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. supreme

    supreme Guest

    hello everybody,
    can anybody can suggest how i can get the diffrent polylines from the drawing based on layer (filtering out only required layer) and get the length of polylines (those filtered out) in excel format
    supreme, Feb 26, 2005
  2. supreme

    Paul Guest


    If want to use excel there is a sample
    in the AutoCAD VBA sample folder called

    The sample I wrote is nice for simple soulutions
    and you don't need excel on the machine your
    working on.

    Only finds single segment LWPolys on current layer,
    and exports Handle and Length to a .csv file which
    can be opened directly in Excel.

    Needs some work but might be helpful as a start.


    Option Explicit

    Sub export()
    Dim pline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim startPT(2) As Double
    Dim endPT(2) As Double
    Dim csvFile As Integer: csvFile = FreeFile
    Dim dwgPath As String

    dwgPath = ThisDrawing.Path & "\" & "Output.csv"

    'Will append to existing file or create new
    Open dwgPath For Append As #csvFile

    'Add header
    Print #csvFile, "Handle" & "," & "Length"
    'Add blank Row
    Print #csvFile, ","

    For Each pline In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    If pline.Layer = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.Name _
    And UBound(pline.Coordinates) = 3 Then

    startPT(0) = pline.Coordinates(0)
    startPT(1) = pline.Coordinates(1)
    startPT(2) = 0 'added for function
    endPT(0) = pline.Coordinates(2)
    endPT(1) = pline.Coordinates(3)
    endPT(2) = 0 'added for function
    'Send data to next availible line
    Print #csvFile, pline.Handle & "," & _
    plineLength(startPT, endPT)

    End If
    Next pline

    Close #csvFile

    End Sub
    Public Function plineLength(p1 As Variant, p2 As Variant) As Double
    plineLength = VBA.Sqr((p2(2) - p1(2)) * (p2(2) - p1(2)) + _
    (p2(1) - p1(1)) * (p2(1) - p1(1)) _
    + (p2(0) - p1(0)) * (p2(0) - p1(0)))
    End Function
    Paul, Feb 26, 2005
  3. supreme

    albud1962 Guest


    I tried this code and I can't seem to get it to work for me.
    albud1962, Mar 16, 2005
  4. what is happening?
    Paul Richardson, Mar 16, 2005
  5. try this...I could have taken time to write the other version
    a bit better. save the drawing your using and place at least
    one lwpoly in the drawing. will only find single segment

    Option Explicit

    Sub csvExport()
    Dim pline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim genObj As AcadObject
    Dim startPT(2) As Double
    Dim endPT(2) As Double
    Dim csvFile As Integer: csvFile = FreeFile
    Dim dwgPath As String

    dwgPath = ThisDrawing.Path & "\" & "Output.csv"

    'Will append to existing file or create new
    Open dwgPath For Append As #csvFile

    'Add header
    Print #csvFile, "Handle" & "," & "Length"
    'Add blank Row
    Print #csvFile, ","

    For Each genObj In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace

    If TypeOf genObj Is AcadLWPolyline Then

    Set pline = genObj

    If pline.Layer = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.Name _
    And UBound(pline.Coordinates) = 3 Then

    startPT(0) = pline.Coordinates(0)
    startPT(1) = pline.Coordinates(1)
    startPT(2) = 0 'added for function
    endPT(0) = pline.Coordinates(2)
    endPT(1) = pline.Coordinates(3)
    endPT(2) = 0 'added for function
    'Send data to next availible line
    Print #csvFile, pline.Handle & "," & _
    plineLength(startPT, endPT)

    End If

    End If

    Next genObj

    Close #csvFile

    End Sub
    Public Function plineLength(p1 As Variant, p2 As Variant) As Double
    plineLength = VBA.Sqr((p2(2) - p1(2)) * (p2(2) - p1(2)) + _
    (p2(1) - p1(1)) * (p2(1) - p1(1)) _
    + (p2(0) - p1(0)) * (p2(0) - p1(0)))
    End Function
    Paul Richardson, Mar 16, 2005
  6. supreme

    albud1962 Guest

    Oh, I had multisegment plines.
    albud1962, Mar 17, 2005
  7. add whatever ya need....good luck..
    Paul Richardson, Mar 17, 2005
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