Excel: copy cell with formula?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ken Krupa, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. Ken Krupa

    Ken Krupa Guest

    When creating a new row, some cells want to use the same formula used in the
    cell in the first row. For instance if the formula in cell M2 is
    =J2-Config!$AC$2-Config!$AC$2 and I am creating row 9, then the formula for
    M9 should be =J9-Config!$AC$2-Config!$AC$2 (the references to cells on
    another sheet should not change).

    When copying the cell manually, this happens automatically. But I have not
    figured out how to so this programmatically. I can get the formula from M2
    and paste it into M9, but that copies the formula text verbatim. Is there a
    way to copy it and have it updated for the new cell?

    Also, could anyone recommend a good book that would cover this?

    Using 2004, with reference set to EXCEL9.OLB.

    Ken Krupa
    Ken Krupa, Jan 29, 2004
  2. Ken Krupa

    Ken Krupa Guest

    OK, no response here but I got it elsewhere. Here's what I needed, in case
    anyone else is interested:

    Set objSheet = objExcel.Worksheets("Flat Panels")
    With objExcel
    .Selection.Copy 'copy contents of cell
    .Range("M9").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas 'paste as formula
    End With
    Ken Krupa, Jan 30, 2004
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