Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jimb, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. jimb

    jimb Guest

    Good day,

    I am not a skilled SW user.

    I wish to create MS EXCEL BOMS in my assembly.

    I have EXCEL installed

    Why is the EXCEL button greyed out in the BOM toolbar?

    How to I make it visible?

    I did it once but I can't remember how.

    I have tried HELP but I can't seem to find the OPTION to set



    jimb, Oct 12, 2006
  2. jimb

    matt Guest

    The BOM works only in assembly DRAWINGS. If you put the assembly on a 2D
    drawing, you should be able to put the BOM on the drawing.
    matt, Oct 12, 2006
  3. jimb

    jimb Guest

    Deb, Deb, Deb

    Bless you

    duh jim



    I use another CAD platform and I have been tasked to convert my stuff
    to SW.

    Thanks SW for feature works!

    Someday when I get the time SW is it...

    Jim Bannister
    3Dthinking dot com
    to reply by email, REPLACE the "X's" in address with "M"
    jimb, Oct 12, 2006
  4. jimb

    jimb Guest

    I was in a DRAWING.

    See other post in this thread

    thanks anyway


    jimb, Oct 12, 2006
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