Examples of good UI

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. mbiasotti

    jon_banquer Guest

    "This goes beyond your basic run of the mill stupidity. If you hide
    FeatureManager, you can't see the PropertyManager, and there is no
    flyout for the PM."

    Hit F9 again. Problem solved. Is there a more elegant solution?

    How do you just as easily get rid of the popup dialog boxes in CATIA?
    Is CATIA's solution ideal? Doesn't look like it to me.

    "When was the last time you really used SaladForks?"

    You mean SaladWorks? I stopped calling it that with the release of
    SolidWorks 2007.
    jon_banquer, Aug 31, 2007
  2. mbiasotti

    J Carroll Guest

    I can't imagine anyone being able to afford the increase in product
    liability costs associated with anything Jon associated himself with.

    Jon's idea of a "wave of the future} product on the CAM side looks like
    thins and I guess he'd like a CAD/CAE/CAO product to match:

    Jon, Haywood, Craven, Rotnluv and the rest of the horrors living in Jon's
    head ought to take a minute to get their stories straight.

    They would have a little more coherence and credibility that way. I mean,
    how could you tout
    a product that gets this response from tech support?


    Hi Michael,
    The reason we have used environment variables in VM 5.0 and RhinoCAM 1.0 is
    to introduce functionality that would require GUI changes (Graphical User
    Interface), without having to make the GUI changes. Since our product is
    translated to over 5 languages this places undue burdens on the translators
    to translate the new changes everytime we make a change to the GUI. So we
    decided to use environment variables instead.

    End Quote

    and then


    Hi Milton,
    I am not sure what "optimized z-constant" means. A picture of the behavior
    with and without the setting will help. In VM 5.0 we have an optimized
    setting that will create cutter paths on flat areas during horizontal

    Depth first is turned on by default in VisualMill 5.0. To make it go level
    first you will have to set up an environment variable called to force the
    system to do this. This variable is:

    VMILL_HFINISH_LEVELFIRST - 1/0 - Allows Level first machining in Horizontal

    To set Environmental Variables

    a. Go to Start->Control Panel->System
    b. From the System Properties dialog box that pops up select the Advanced
    c. Click on the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
    d. In the Environment Variables dialog box that pops up, click on the New
    button under System variables
    e. In the New System Variable dialog box that pops up, define
    Variable Value = Set the value to 1

    End Quote

    How would you like to have to set a variable to change rebuild behavior of
    select a configuration?
    That's the future according to Haywood or whichever one of banquer's
    multiple personalities chews through the restraints on any given day.
    J Carroll, Aug 31, 2007
  3. mbiasotti

    J Carroll Guest

    Not probably Jon, much.
    You don't "hit" anything.
    WTF are you talking about? You clearly know less about the CATIA interface
    than you know about SolidWorks Jon. That shouldn't be possible - knowing
    less than nothing but you seem to have placed yourself firmly in this
    You have stopped doing anything of use Jon. The process began as a kid when
    you dropped out of HS to make your fortune selling soap. How's that going

    Take your own advice Jon:

    "Your the embarrassment to this newsgroup when it comes to your
    CAD/CAM posts. If you don't know shit why not just shut up until you
    are willing to take the time and learn ???" - Jon Banquer- Jan. 14,

    Take some time, up your meds, find a job and do the world a favor and either
    quite playing with yourself in public or off yourself.
    J Carroll, Aug 31, 2007
  4. mbiasotti

    jon_banquer Guest

    Doesn't seem like CATIA has anything like SolidWorks Property Manager
    to me! Here is a video showing all the popup dialog boxes that get in
    your way in CATIA.

    Once again John Carroll get's it wrong. Perhaps this is yet another
    reason he is no longer authorized to sell Missler TopSolid, Mecsoft
    Visual Mill or Vero VisiCADCAM and is the running joke of the CADCAM
    industry. To the best of my knowledge John Carroll can no longer
    represents any CADCAM company!

    No doubt CATIA has some very nice UI features but I fail to see where
    it's the perfect solution and where SolidWorks doesn't have some UI
    ideas that would be very nice to have in CATIA.
    jon_banquer, Aug 31, 2007
  5. mbiasotti

    J Carroll Guest

    I am bundling four seats of one of the products you listed with a turn key
    right now Jon.
    There is also nearly a million dollars of hardware going with the package.
    You haven't a single clue about this or any other subject.
    Laughable Jon. You couldn't fill a thimble with the sum of your "knowledge".

    Why bother?
    I don't represent any metals manufacturers either but I've resold an awful
    lot of metal and cutting tools in the last few years Jon.
    Software companies are commodity vendors Jon. I treat them as such, and I've
    yet to have any of them refuse participation or payment.
    The truth comes out. Your ignorance is blinding and obvious from not only
    your comments but your conduct.
    There is no perfect solution except perhaps in your noise filled head.
    J Carroll, Aug 31, 2007
  6. The HP Macro Set. ;-)

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 31, 2007
  7. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    When was the last time you *used* CATIA (OR ANY CAD/CAM or CAD
    or CAM package, if ever?)
    Do not count looking at ads or demos.
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  8. mbiasotti

    jon_banquer Guest

    "If you had the sketches he used as a reference would that get you

    Yup. It would also get others I know started.

    "Do you have a flat bed scanner to do some sketches that look similar
    and get them into SW?"

    Yes I do.

    "This might be a good exercise in itself for you."

    No doubt. Still haven't finished all of the SolidProfessor videos
    (sheet metal, advanced assembly) yet and I still have Matt's
    SolidWorks Bible to finish so it's not like I'm out of material to
    keep learning with.

    "If you really are keen to learn that is..."

    I'd like to play with it but I don't feel you should have to do Mark
    Biasotti's job for him.

    "If you are not up to that yet I guess I could do some for you out of
    community spirit and as an unseasonable Christmas present"

    It's always an unseasonable Christmas if you're a Jew like I am. :>)
    It's a nice offer thanks! I sincerely appreciate it! Lets hold off for
    a bit and see if Mark Biasotti decides to do the right thing.

    "A while ago it looked as though we had softened them up to being
    reasonably convivial on their forum and then they spat the dummy and
    started the user group/ blog squad 'sects'"

    I've gotten to the point where I blame users almost as much as I blame
    the cadcam company. Most users don't have the guts you have to tell
    the truth and feel like they need to belong to a "sect". I don't.
    Never will.

    "Mark is basically the only one allowed to come here and he has to be
    well behaved you see."

    Too bad. I'd enjoy going at it with Joe Dunne for a bit. ;>)

    "Really its just a token gesture on behalf of the company - sort of a
    nod at the door without soiling themselves - but I think Mark still
    likes to keep up with whats happening here..I wouldn't be too hard on

    Biasotti sold out. Sad but not unexpected. I'd never work for
    SolidWorks. Of course I'd never work for most cadcam companies. ;>)

    I'd think about it more than I thought about John Carroll's offer to
    go work for him, though. He forget to mention how much he wanted me to
    go work for him when he was selling Visi-CADCAM.

    jon_banquer, Sep 1, 2007
  9. mbiasotti

    J Carroll Guest

    No I didn't Haywood. In fact, when the world was calling you a liar I
    stepped up and acknowledged the offer. It was made once and declined. That's
    You are still a liar but at least I have maintained my integrity, even at
    the expense of appearing the fool.
    Have a good look at Balboa Avenue Jon. You'll be residing there shortly.
    And out of both sides of your mouth. WOW.
    J Carroll, Sep 1, 2007
  10. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    Jon as I explained to you this is a canned demo / advertising
    It didnt have any available files
    It wasnt their intention to provide any
    Its probably not Marks real job to even make the demos
    Without his initiative we would most likely still only have a diet of
    30 second marketing fluff clips
    It probably wasnt his job to get involved with help note improvement
    discussions with matt either
    Most likely he got the curvature comb outlines back for us as well?..
    So I really think Mark does try to make a difference for users.
    Its a pity he cant talk more directly to us about things but as I
    pointed out the company have a weird attitude
    I admit though as time goes by he probably is going to be considered
    more of an insider and thats a shame.
    Frankly though I wouldnt sit there hoping to get any files given to
    you esp after the insults you've chucked around

    As far as me having guts to telling the truth well I am 6-10000km away
    from your culture and probably just see things somewhat differently
    and dont necessarily follow the same rules and conventions you guys
    Sometimes its easier to be on the outside looking in.
    neilscad, Sep 1, 2007
  11. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    SolidProfessor videos just smoke your book. From what I've seen of the free
    myigetit videos they do as well. I hope to finish the SolidProfessor videos I
    just purchased ( $600 Professional Package) in the next 2 weeks. When I do, I'll
    spend the $25 for the myigetit SolidWorks 2007
    ] - jon banquer on Jul 14 2007

    I highly recommend that SolidWorks users get the SolidProfessor videos that I
    just spent $600 for. They are worth every penny! For those on a budget they can
    try the $25 myigetit SolidWorks course. I intend to try it myself as soon as I
    finish the SolidProfessor videos on SolidWorks.
    ] - jon banquer on Jul 26 2007

    When I finish the SolidWork Bible (I'm about 300 pages into it) I will be
    an extensive list of all the work that the SolidWorks Bible really needs.
    .... Same with the SolidProfessor videos which are also not complete enough.
    ] - jon banquer on Aug 3 2007

    Today's date: Sept 1 2007

    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  12. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    IF he had SolidWorks he could make them himself, right?
    After all, he's the self-proclaimed expert ... "god of cadcam".
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  13. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Based on what? A demo video about something else entirely?
    Or someone else's recent post? And your usual confusion?
    IIRC He can actually use CATIA.
    CLUE: YOU are the running clueless joke.
    Babbleon jonnie.

    (Who stole the goat??)
    Guess who owns & develops both packages?
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  14. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Never overestimate the great clueless one.
    Anthony has a saying just about him I think <G>.
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  15. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Probably lots of small shops now out of business.
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  16. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Jewish Computers

    I don't know if you know this, but you can now purchase Kosher computers! They
    are made in Israel by a company called DELL-SHALOM.

    The price is so low, even with the shipping from Israel! However, before you
    purchase a kosher computer of your own, you should know
    that there are some important changes from the typical non-kosher computer you
    are used to, such as:

    1) The "Start" button has been replaced with the "Let's go!! I'm not getting any
    younger!" button.

    2) You hear "Hava Nagila" during startup.

    3) The cursor moves from right to left.

    4) When Spellchecker finds an error it prompts, "Is this the best you can do?"

    5) When you look at erotic images, your computer says, "If your mother knew you
    did this, she would die."

    6) It comes with a "monitor cleaning solution" from Manischewitz that advertises
    it gets rid of all the "schmutz und drek."

    7) When running "Scan Disk" it prompts you with a "You want I should fix this?"

    8) After 20 minutes of no activity, your PC goes "Schloffen."

    9) The PC shuts down automatically at sundown on Friday evenings.

    10) It comes with two hard drives-one for fleyshedik (business software and one
    for milchedik (games).

    11) Instead of getting a "General Protection Fault" error, your PC now gets

    12) The multimedia player has been renamed to "Nu, so play my music already!"

    13) When your PC is working too hard, you occasionally hear a loud "Oy Gevalt!"

    14) Computer viruses can now be cured with matzo ball soup.

    15) When disconnecting external devices from the back of my PC, you are
    instructed to "Remove the cable from the PC's tuchus."

    16) After your computer dies, you have to dispose of it within 24 hours.

    17) But best of all, if you have a kosher computer, you can't get SPAM
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  17. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    IOW It was just more of his typical clueless BS.
    No actual SW.
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  18. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    How true. They all know better.
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  19. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    I passed drivers ed the first time <VBG>.
    Never had to take it again.
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
  20. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    What might the following have to do with your clueless claims?
    " .. one of the first to adopt native Windows support ."
    - jon banquer on Aug 11 2007

    " .. if you going to be Windows native .. UG did this. CATIA did this.
    think3 did this. SolidWorks did this. DelCAM did this. ..."
    - jon banquer on Sep 18 2003

    "Choose something Windows native."
    - jon banquer on Feb 5 2003

    " .. can't write native Windows software .."
    - jon banquer on Nov 9 2002

    "By the time MasterCAM is native Windows will many CAD/CAM companies be
    running on another operating system ??? "
    - jon banquer on Jun 21 2002

    "Cimatron announced their new seamless, unified, hybrid modeler that
    is now completely Windows native and no longer has a Unix look and feel to it
    - jon banquer on Dec 31 2001

    "Has Vero US finally figured out that you need a native Windows GUI and all
    the tools that go with it in order to gain market acceptance from design
    professionals. (SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Preventor, MDT, UG, (Pro/E getting
    closer), etc. ALL HAVE the type of GUI that I'm referring to."
    - jon banquer on Dec 30 2001

    "I believe it was one of the first, if not the first, true native Windows
    - jon banquer on Mar 4 2000

    "Version 16 is a true native Windows product."
    - jon banquer on Jan 29 2000

    "It was built from the ground up as a native Windows application."
    - jon banquer on Dec 21 1999

    " .. move to being a Native Windows application .. "
    - jon banquer on Dec 12 1999

    "When Cimatron releases their native Windows package this also maybe a good
    choice for you"
    - jon banquer on Dec 7 1999

    ".. VX Vision in 100 percent native Windows."
    - jon banquer on Dec 2 1999

    " .. a native Windows package."
    - jon banquer on Nov 29 1999

    " ... the ever increasing competition of more and more native Windows CAM
    programs, that are as easy or .."
    - jon banquer on Nov 17 1999

    "The whole system in now native Windows to the max."
    - jon banquer on Nov 10 1999

    "How much longer will SDRC NOT have a native Windows solution ??"
    - jon banquer on Oct 25 1999

    ".. not quite as nice as a native Windows GUI .. "
    - jon banquer on Sep 29 1999

    "To make it in the US you have to be Windows native .."
    - jon banquer on Sep 29 1999

    "GUI not fully native Windows."
    - jon banquer on Sep 20 1999

    "The price that SurfWARE has already paid for not moving to native Windows .."
    - jon banquer on Jul 11 1999

    "UG will be native Windows by year end."
    - jon banquer on Jul 9 1999

    "I don't think MasterCAM Version 8, due in the fall, is going to be Windows
    - jon banquer on Apr 29 1999

    "CATIA Version 5 Native Windows is one of the best CAD packages available .."
    - jon banquer on Mar 31 1999

    ".. CAM system to a native Windows GUI. Looks a lot better than the old GUI
    - jon banquer on Mar 29 1999

    "With no macro language, with no educational program to speak of, with no
    native Windows user interface, .."
    - jon banquer on Mar 17 1999

    "When will Pro/E finally be native Windows ??"
    - jon banquer on Feb 28 1999

    "Unlike most Windows-native 3D modelers, Varimetrix develops its own modeling
    kernel called UPG2."
    - jon banquer on Feb 19 1999

    " .. CATIA 5, native Windows, it looks like the best package I
    have EVER seen."
    - jon banquer on Dec 20 1998

    " .. I wish I had your job selling and supporting quality CAD/CAM packages
    like native Windows CATIA 5 ..."
    - jon banquer on Dec 5 1998

    "Vero is already Windows native."
    - jon banquer on Dec 3 1998

    "Understand CATIA Version 5 native Windows is just awesome."
    - jon banquer on Nov 23 1998

    "Cadkey 98 does not have a true native Windows interface."
    - jon banquer on Nov 19 1998

    " ... native Windows interface will have your students concentrating on what
    is important.....learning the machining process's involved, not on the CAD /CAM
    systems .."
    - jon banquer on Nov 9 1998

    "Esprit W offers a nice native Windows solution that MasterCam does not"
    - jon banquer on Oct 26 1998

    "Have you seen CATIA 5.0 Native windows...... Looks awesome."
    - jon banquer on Oct 16 1998

    There's LOTS more.

    Now for some clues:
    The above link is TO a CATIA demo WITH Windows Native.
    No doubt the windows can be moved, resized, etc. as the user desires
    (if they do).

    THE NEEDED DATA. None of the windows take input from the part
    screen. No entity picks or anything.
    Where else on a limited field of view would you want them but
    where you can see them?
    They then promptly vanish with the needed data to be applied.

    "Moogs, would you buy it for a quarter?"
    Cliff, Sep 1, 2007
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