Examples of good UI

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    hell he won't even provide sample files...
    Well I 'm not sure you can hang that on Mark he's probably just too
    busy with other responsibilities to attend to it.
    I think he goes out of his way to do those presentations anyway.
    They aren't typical of the promo stuff SW was producing previously
    that attracted some scornful comment for being fluff so most likely
    you could appreciate that and the fact he is prepared to at least
    appear here to answer some questions about it. Marketing would
    probably like to mangle them given the opportunity...
    I am inclined to believe Mark probably disliked the recent UI changes
    being an ex user and all round good guy but he has a job to do...I
    think it is more likely he is enmeshed in a somewhat unresponsive
    system with somewhat confused goals..but I agree with your scepticism
    and I do sorta wonder about the commitment and motivation behind this.
    As I stated we have been there before and then when we had an
    expectation there were things being done to optomise and incorporate
    things people asked for we got something kind of incongruous and
    warped dumped on us.
    I wonder myself how this happened. SW themselves must surely have the
    ability to do in depth studies or more likely have made the studies
    and yet its like someone completely disregarded all that...
    It seems to me if Mark is asking around for ideas or examples then
    someone has made a decision to revisit this and the result will
    probably appear in about 18 months or perhaps even 9 if they are
    spooked by it.
    Realistically conversations with SW are one sided so I wouldnt really
    expect that ideas thrown up here will actually have any impact on what
    they are going to do...so I do wonder what is the point of them
    If I look at the responses to Marks post they are basically nothing he
    couldnt find in a search...and I note the respondants are pretty much
    the same people as always.I hope he appreciates the time we took to
    reply in good faith.
    neilscad, Aug 30, 2007
  2. mbiasotti

    brewertr Guest


    Not as bad as it sounds since eBay is only one outlet for them. They
    seem to make a good product and hopefully in return a good living. I
    just wanted to point out that they are not making the killing that Jon
    thinks they are.

    Plus there are costs involved with producing the tutorials, marketing,
    packaging, selling, overhead as well as gross sales are not the same
    as net.

    brewertr, Aug 30, 2007
  3. Jon thinks everyone else is making some sort of killing. He's an idiot.
    JOn's judgement failed him when he dropped out of school and he's been
    making one poor decision after another his entire life. Training masterial
    for banqueer would have to be dumbed down toi the third grade "Barney" level
    and he'd still complain about the way the book tasted without salt and

    I'm sure it's a good product or sales would be zero and there would be a lot
    of negetive feed back.
    That seems not to be the case.
    I seem to remember hearing that somewhere <G>

    One of the things that is worth remembering about training materials is that
    they anticipate a student who will go beyond the covered material to become
    an accomplished and experience end user. They aren't intended to be a
    substitute for skill, thinking skills or experience.

    Hey, I'm up in San Jose again and was hoping to escape the LA heat. NO SUCH

    John R. Carroll, Aug 30, 2007
  4. mbiasotti

    brewertr Guest

    F'n hot today in Orange & Riverside Counties.
    brewertr, Aug 30, 2007
  5. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    Hey guys I know you like to give Jon a hard time but can you try not
    to bury threads in it.
    I presume you have an interest in SW or you wouldnt subscribe to the
    Do you have any comments to add about what makes or breaks an
    I presume you are SW users too or have it at your workplace?
    What would you like to see or not see done to change things?
    Have you tried SW08 at all? What did you think about it?
    I suspect the shopfloor have a different but no less important
    perspective on CAD than the desk jockeys.
    I'd like to hear what you have to say.
    Any CNC programs you use that you think have a great interface? or
    perhaps some that are particualry confusing or awkward?
    neilscad, Aug 31, 2007
  6. mbiasotti

    brewertr Guest

    Ease of use and ability customize, easily customize.

    SolidWorks (programmers) are damned if they do and damned if they
    don't. No matter what changes or enhancements they make to the UI they
    are going to piss off slightly more or less than half of their users.
    Yep, I like it.
    Opinions on UI are like ass holes so here is mine. Leave the UI alone,
    I don't want or need to feel like I am playing a video game, work on
    other issues.
    CAM is for the shop floor, CAD crap in gets you CAM crap out.
    All are functional some take more getting used to that others but with
    a little use they all come out fine.

    brewertr, Aug 31, 2007
  7. mbiasotti

    jon_banquer Guest

    Well I 'm not sure you can hang that on Mark he's probably just too
    If Biasotti is going to make the effort to create advanced videos then
    why do a half-assed job? Biasotti is cutting off his nose to spite his
    face when he refuses to make the needed files available. If Biasotti
    made the needed files available than others could interactively follow
    along instead of falling asleep.
    They sure are. Very one sided. Why do you think I get so fucking
    pissed off with this bullshit.

    "I hope he appreciates the time we took to reply in good faith."

    It ain't like I'm waiting for him to say thanks.

    I'd be happy with the files he refuses to include with his videos. If
    an independent like FX Cad Solutions or SolidProfessor (I have still
    not checked out the non-free myigetit stuff ) would just do more
    advanced stuff then I wouldn't be so annoyed because I wouldn't care.

    I have little or no faith in SolidWorks Corp. doing the right thing
    for users.
    jon_banquer, Aug 31, 2007
  8. mbiasotti

    Joe788 Guest

    Because you have absolutely NO idea how to use the software. None.
    Joe788, Aug 31, 2007
  9. mbiasotti

    J Carroll Guest

    I've been working with CATIA for the last few years. I guess all I can add
    that the SolidWorks comunity would have an interest in is my opinion that
    much of what I see rehashed here ad nauseum was adressed years ago in V5.
    Look at the feature tree and how it overlays the graphics area as an
    example. Not only is it cool looking, it is extremely useful to have your
    work presented in this way so it's a real time saver. You can concentrate on
    the job at hand in a clear and organized manner - without real effort - and
    that should be the target for any interface technology.

    When I was deciding which product to learn, I considered the opportunity
    cost of a number of products, the support, robust behavior and the true
    costs and benefits of ownership. I had an advantage in that I was not
    heavily invested in any one product. I had no need to worry about legacy
    data and the related issues. The slate was reasonably clean.

    Today, given the constant turmoil surrounding the SW interface and the
    tremendous give and take in functionality, I can only imagine, and have
    formed an opinion, that there is only one reason to invest in SW. The
    installed base. You can always find either a job, or contract work.

    As a product, it's buggy even when releases mature and it isn't easy to
    scale. You also seem to have to relearn the product on an ongoing basis and,
    for myself, I don't appreciate software vendors that feel free to waste my
    time. That always grinds my gears.

    All of that aside, there are many talented people doing a lot of excellent
    work with SolidWorks. There is no denying that and I can't imagine anyone
    with a pulse trying to do so. Should DSS ever choose to hook the SolidWorks
    product up as a seemless integration to CATIA they would have a real winner.
    They did an excellent job with NCL as a CAM engine.
    J Carroll, Aug 31, 2007
  10. mbiasotti

    J Carroll Guest

    Well, I just drove back and it's cooler here in the office than it was up
    there. Long day though.
    J Carroll, Aug 31, 2007
  11. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    He should make his own videos on something he thinks
    he knows something about.
    Perhaps drivers-ed ...
    Cliff, Aug 31, 2007
  12. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Perhaps it is expected that you are a legal user or at least
    *have the software*. Even a student version.

    Back to your video games & rubber undies ..
    Cliff, Aug 31, 2007
  13. mbiasotti

    Cliff Guest

    Think he will sell you demos of free clues? Or just tell you about
    Cliff, Aug 31, 2007
  14. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    Well Jon the thing is they are not really tutorials as such they are
    more like feature demos.
    If you had the sketches he used as a reference would that get you
    I am a few releases behind so I cant make the file for you.
    Do you have a flat bed scanner to do some sketches that look similar
    and get them into SW?
    This might be a good exercise in itself for you.
    If you are not up to that yet I guess I could do some for you out of
    community spirit and as an unseasonable Christmas present
    If you really are keen to learn that is...

    One sided is their policy.
    Yes it is irritating even asinine but SW management have had that odd
    outlook on life for quite a while.
    A while ago it looked as though we had softened them up to being
    reasonably convivial on their forum and then they spat the dummy and
    started the user group/ blog squad 'sects'
    Part of the control your customers, never admit liability or
    responsibility, and hide all activity and problems as industrial
    secrets philosophy that exists in corporations.
    Mark is basically the only one allowed to come here and he has to be
    well behaved you see.
    Really its just a token gesture on behalf of the company - sort of a
    nod at the door without soiling themselves - but I think Mark still
    likes to keep up with whats happening here..I wouldn't be too hard on
    neilscad, Aug 31, 2007
  15. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    easy to customise

    Obviously I dont know you or your shop being on the other side of the
    I suppose you have quite a few machines of different brands and SW may
    not be your only CAD?
    When you say customise are you perhaps trying to minimise the
    differences between the UI to make it easy to move from one to the
    other? or perhaps the UI as provided just doesnt actually mirror the
    real world everyday tasks you need to do?
    I ask this because it seems to me SW have a mission in their heads to
    be obviously visually different from say SolidEdge or Inventor as a
    sale point and yet for someone like yourself this would actually be a
    royal pain.
    Sort of like deliberately making a car with metric bolts when your
    existing and perfectly good spanners are imperial...

    BTW I get the impression shop people are treated like a lower class in
    the US...is that fair comment?
    ( not wishing to start a riot ;o) )
    neilscad, Aug 31, 2007
  16. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    Ok cliff I'll solicit your opinion on this too seeing as how you
    turned up here too..
    in the past.
    Aerospace, automotive and products I think?
    I seem to remember you have posted before showing a good knowledge of
    CAD history.
    I guess you keep up with recent software.
    Have you any comments to share about interfaces and how they are
    I would suppose going back a few years CAD was strictly functional and
    today it must look um..tacky?
    I remember myself how basic the hardware and software was when I first
    started as a civil engineering draughtsman doing roading calcs..small
    green screen terminal...Pacman was high tech then...ah the old
    days ;o)
    So come on cliff chip in...
    neilscad, Aug 31, 2007
  17. mbiasotti

    Dale Dunn Guest

    HoffY () wrote in :
    Excellent point. I forgot to go off on a rant about how sluggish the SW UI
    is (in this thread, anyhow). From a user experience point of view, SW
    _feels_ slow. Independent of rebuild time, this contributes significantly
    to the perception of SW being slow on all but small assemblies. Frequently,
    I can wait for one or several seconds for SW to recover after dragging a
    note in a drawing. Bad, naughty, evil UI!
    Dale Dunn, Aug 31, 2007
  18. mbiasotti

    brewertr Guest

    No, what I am saying no one can set up a UI exactly the way "I" want
    it. Not everyone's situation is the same. Different work requires
    different tools and maybe even a different look. Then you have people
    with personal tastes, styles and preferences based upon experience.

    There is a difference between a "Want" and a "Need", IMO ability to
    customize is a NEED not a want.
    My way of looking at it, no two people are the same.
    I am more concerned with functionality and performance than adding a
    new look where there are no improvements in performance or
    productivity, that does not interest or appeal to me.
    It's not any different here than any other place I am aware of.

    brewertr, Aug 31, 2007
  19. mbiasotti

    jon_banquer Guest

    I've been working with CATIA for the last few years. I guess all I can add
    Why is this so much better than pressing F9 to remove the Feature
    Manager and using the fly out Feature Manager in SolidWorks?
    SolidWorks has eliminated most of the dialog boxes that CATIA still
    has because of it's Property Manager. When was the last time you
    really used SolidWorks?
    jon_banquer, Aug 31, 2007
  20. mbiasotti

    FlowerPot Guest

    This goes beyond your basic run of the mill stupidity. If you hide your
    FeatureManager, you can't see the PropertyManager, and there is no
    flyout for the PM.

    SW users have been asking for detachable FM separated from the PM for a
    while now. Many people have asked for the transparent CATIA interface
    for the tree.

    When was the last time you really used SaladForks?

    FlowerPot, Aug 31, 2007
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