R2005: I have an autolisp program that prints labels of parts and I have users run on several machines. I set lineweights during the program, on a certain layer to 0.05 so the lines are not to faint on the printed label. For some reason one of out machines that run the program sends the plot file to the printer and most of the lines and all the text show such a heavy lineweight that you can't read the text (the lines look like they are 0.125 wide!). Here is the line of code that prints the label to a file. (command ".plot" "Y" "" "postscript.pc3" "ANSI A (8.50 x 11.00 Inches)" "I" "Landscape" "N" "W" (list 0 0 0)(list 10.5 8.00 0) "1:1" "C" "Y" "monochrome" "Y" "Y" "Y" "N" "Y" (strcat "g:/Autolisp/Lisp_Text/new_lab" lgn) "N" "Y") If I answer "N" to the "Plot with lineweights?" prompt, then all the machines plot with very light lines. What setting should I be looking for to cure this one machine? TIA Bill