Event handler for Properties window

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Graeme, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Graeme

    Graeme Guest


    I am writing some event handlers to control layers. I have ObjectAdded
    handlers that wont allow non text objects to be added when the current layer
    is a text layer. I also have some BeginCommand ones that change the layer to
    a non text layer so that the ObjectAdded handlers wont trigger, ie for
    commands like offset, copy etc. I added a BeginCommand event for DDEDIT,
    which some people use to edit dimension text, but I use the properties
    window to change object properties, so that leads me to my question.
    I cant find an event handler that triggers when the properties window is
    clicked on, or one that is triggered when a properties window value is
    Can someone help me ?


    Graeme, Feb 12, 2004
  2. Can you use the ObjectModified event?

    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Graeme

    Graeme Guest

    I tried that but when you modify objects using properties window the
    ObjectAdded event is also triggered and it gets triggered before the
    ObjectModified event. I need something that triggers before ObjectAdded. I
    was hoping that there was maybe some way of using the MSFORMS events, since
    I think the properties window is a combobox, or at least thats what Spy++
    tells me.

    Graeme, Feb 12, 2004
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