Hello, I just run into a problem with one of my lisp functions. Depending on the type of entity selected (line, polyline etc), I need to run a different command. I added ETYPE in the (defun list and then I tried to write an if statement that does the following: if the user selected just polylines then a command should be run if the user selected polylines AND anything else (this should include the scenario where the user selects lines/arcs/..... but NO polylines) another command should be run. (if (=etype "polyline") (progn (command "pedit"...) )) should there be an else between the different if statements? Is there a way to ask for AND/OR? (if (or (=etype "line") (=etype "arc") (=etype "circle") (=etype "ellipse")........)(progn (command "pedit"...) )) Not sure if the sytax is correct, but that's not even the main problem. I kept getting back the error - no function definition: ETYPE and I wasn't sure on how to get around that. Someone also mentioned that once the user selects all the required entities there is a way to sort them into two lists - one that contains all the polylines and run the command line and into another list that contains everything else and then run the other command line. There may be other ways as well. I hope this makes sense. Thank you in advance for your help, Vlad