Estimating engineering time on machine design

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Sporkman, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I'd just like to compare notes with a few machine designers about how
    they figure time on machine design tasks. I personally find that about
    1 1/4 hours per fabricated part is minimum to estimate for design (3D)
    and detailing (2D), and that's really a very conservative minimum. 1
    3/4 hours to 2 hours is probably more realistic unless the task is very
    straightforward. Then one has to figure in time for changes and time to
    do assembly drawings. It's certainly not nearly as simple as that, and
    there are a lot of variables that can drive an estimate drastically one
    way or another, but that's where I begin. How about you? I'm just
    looking for general approach "rules of thumb" as contrast to how I start

    Thanks for any feedback

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Jun 19, 2004
  2. Sporkman

    hamei Guest

    Don't know if this helps you, but we do an automotive wheel (family,
    to be fair) in two days. We aren't very good and we don't work very hard,
    so that oughta give you an outside number for that kind of part.
    hamei, Jun 26, 2004
  3. Sporkman

    Alex Sh. Guest

    My rule of thumb is 2.5 hours per part.
    My field is custom automation, so the following provisos apply:
    1. The equipment designed is usually a one-off deal, not something that
    needs to be extensively refined for mass production.
    2. However, it needs to work the first time. Redesigning the machine which
    has been built and is not working because its underlying concept is wrong is
    NOT an option.
    3. A significant amount of on-the-shop-floor tweaking is required to bring
    the machine to its customer-accepted, shipping condition. The results of
    this tweaking need to be reflected in the as-built documentation.
    4. Since this is a one-off piece, not all minor details are reflected in the
    model and/or documentation. For example, although all the fastener holes are
    present and properly dimensioned in the model and on the drawings, the
    fasteners themselves are usually not inserted into the model and therefore
    are not reflected in the Bill of Materials.

    When my ex-employer was still designing these machines in 2D using good ol'
    AutoCAD, our Mechanical Engineering Department manager did a time study.
    Results were pretty consistent across a team of 6 engineers. When the full
    project, from the date PO was awarded to the shipping date, was taken into
    account, the per-part time spent on it by the engineer was about 2.5 hours
    (concept design, creation of assembly, detailing, documenting changes to
    create as-built documentation). So to break even in the engineering part of
    the project we needed to have these 2.5 hours per part.

    Since I switched to Pro/E in 1998 I find that when I estimate the number of
    parts in the machine within 10-15% of the actual final number and plug in
    these 2.5 hours, I am actually left with a pretty sizable safety factor. So
    when possible I still use the 2.5 hours rule: it is nice to know you can
    certainly beat your own estimate.
    Alex Sh., Jun 27, 2004
  4. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Exactly our situation
    Our situation again
    Typical for custom automation, which this also is
    We'll probably also take this short-cut
    A very useful post, Alex, and tends to echo my own experience pretty
    much. It's nice to get that kind of "feel good" confirmation. Am using
    SolidWorks which is probably pretty much the same as Pro/E as long as
    one is competent with it (and we are). Thanks for the time you took!!

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Jun 27, 2004
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