Esri Shape files causing unhandled exception error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by whitten.alan, May 23, 2006.

  1. whitten.alan

    whitten.alan Guest

    I am using a program called flo-2d to do some flood modeling. The
    ouput from flo-2d are esri shape files. I am importing them into
    LDDv2006 using the import command in the maps menu. Most of the shape
    files import fine, but I am having issues with importing area shape
    files as mpolygons. The shape files import normally, and the file will
    save. Upon trying to re-load the drawing, I get an unhandled expeption

    Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so, how did you work
    around it?
    C. Alan
    whitten.alan, May 23, 2006
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